
Version 5 (modified by seskar, 15 years ago) ( diff )

System Administrator API Specification (Internal)

These set of functions are exposed to the system administrator for managing and monitoring slice quotas from a virtualization perspective. More administrative functionality is provided on the RF side as discussed in the BS-RF API.

VM Administration

setSliceParams(SLICEID, disk_quota, cpu)

  • This function is provided to the administrator for setting up slice level parameters such as total disk / cpu quota assigned to a slice.
  • Successful setting of these parameters returns “ok”


  • This function is provided to the administrator for getting slice level parameters such as total disk/CPU quota assigned to a slice.
  • Online information such as current usage is also be made available.
  • Returns XML with appropriate parameters on success, “nok” otherwise.

getTotalParams(SLICEID) =

  • This function is provided to the administrator for getting information on total available resources, such as disk space/ cpu quota available for allocation.
  • This function is typically used by the administrator before the use of setSliceParams() function.
  • Returns XML with appropriate parameters on success, “nok” otherwise.
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