Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of Tutorials/oMF/tut1

Dec 3, 2016, 12:26:40 PM (8 years ago)


  • Tutorials/oMF/tut1

    v37 v38  
    2424==== !MobilityFirst ORBIT Image ====
    26 The complete set of components from the latest release of the !MobilityFirst software is available as a compressed image within the ORBIT testbed for imaging nodes using the 'OMF' tool. The current pre-prepared image is built over Ubuntu 12.04 LTS distribution and will be moved to newer distributions as they become available and we have had a chance to test compatibility.
     26The complete set of components from the latest release of the !MobilityFirst software is available as a compressed image within the ORBIT testbed for imaging nodes using the 'OMF' tool. The current pre-prepared image is built over Ubuntu 14.04 LTS distribution and will be moved to newer distributions as they become available and we have had a chance to test compatibility. This tutorial image is made under the assumption that a fixed set of VLANs is used for topology creation and will need to be modified for different execution environments.
    2828==== Experiment Execution ====
    43 omf load -i 'mf-release-latest.ndz' -t system:topo:mf-groupX
    44 }}}
    46 ''system:topo:mf-groupX'' represents the topology of 4 nodes that has been assigned to you're group and ''mf-groupX'' has to be replaced by the group id assigned to you (i.e. 01,02,...).
     43omf load -i 'mf-release-latest.ndz' -t system:topo:mf-groupXX
     46''system:topo:mf-groupXX'' represents the topology of 4 nodes that has been assigned to you're group and ''mf-groupXX'' has to be replaced by the group id assigned to you (i.e. 01,02,...).
    4848For example, ''mf-group01'' will load the image on nodes 'node20-20,node20-19,node19-19,node19-20'
    50 If ''system:topo:mf-groupX'' doesn't work for you, replace that part with a list of four nodes: ''node1-1,node1-2,node1-3,node1-4''
     50If ''system:topo:mf-groupXX'' doesn't work for you, replace that part with a list of four nodes: ''node1-1,node1-2,node1-3,node1-4''
    5252If at the end of the execution, the final output of your console looks similar to:
     270===== Turning on nodes =====
     272First of all you will first need to turn your assigned nodes on:
     276    omf tell -a on -t system:topo:imaged
     279===== Configuring the topology =====
     281====== Configure VLAN interfaces on the nodes ======
     283On all nodes prepare '''/etc/network/interfaces''' and add VLAN based interfaces based on your group. The file should look like this:
     286auto eth0.1XX1
     287iface eth0.1XX1 inet static
     289auto eth0.1XX2
     290iface eth0.1XX2 inet static
     292auto eth0.1XX3
     293iface eth0.1XX3 inet static
     296where XX is your group number (i.e. 01,02,03,..).
     298====== Configure MF components to use appropriate VLANs ======
     300The assumption is that the routers will be using VLAN 1XX1, and clients VLANs 1XX2 and 1XX3.
     301Edit file '''/usr/local/src/mobilityfirst/eval/orbit/tutorial/conf/hoststack2.conf''' on all four nodes to assign appropriate VLANs based on the instructions from the script.
    270303===== Executing the script =====
    272 First of all you will first need to turn your assigned nodes on:
    274 {{{
    275 #!sh
    276     omf tell -a on -t system:topo:imaged
    277 }}}
    279305All the aggregated definitions just presented are included in a single script that you have to download to your grid console. In order to download it to your console, copy and paste the following command: