Changes between Version 3 and Version 4 of Tutorials/k0SDR/Tutorial00b

Jul 26, 2021, 7:25:39 AM (4 years ago)


  • Tutorials/k0SDR/Tutorial00b

    v3 v4  
    122122{{{root@node1-X:~# sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=24862979}}}
    124 === Building the GNU Radio Flowgraph ===
     124=== Building the GNU Radio Flowgraphs ===
    125125''See the troubleshooting section below for a common error and how to fix it.''
     127==== Transmitter ====
    127129Start GNU Radio on {{{node1-1}}}:
    134136 || [[Image(x310_sb2_tx_flowgraph.png, 600px)]] ||
    136 Here, the "Signal Source" generates samples for a 1 MHz cosine wave at the flowgraph sample rate, in this case 10 MHz. The samples then go into a "UHD Sink". The "UHD Sink" is what takes the signal samples generated in GNU radio and sends them to the USRP for transmission. Samples are generated
    138 When creating this flowgraph, you will need to set values for {{{samp_rate}}} as well as parameters in each of the blocks. Double clicking on a block will bring up an editor for all parameters that a block uses. See below for the parameters used in this experiment for each block:
    140  ||||||Figure 1: Gen-2 FDE Canceller Boxes in COSMOS Sandbox 2 ||
    141  || [[Image(Gen2Architecture.jpg, 280px)]] || [[Image(Gen2Ceiling.jpg, 375px)]] ||
    142  || (a) The FlexICoN Gen-2 RF Canceller Box and antenna  || (b) Rack-mounted, reorganized Gen-2 RF Canceller Box ||
     138Here, the "Signal Source" generates samples for a 1 MHz cosine wave at the flowgraph sample rate, in this case 10 MHz. The samples then go into a "UHD USRP Sink". The "UHD USRP Sink" is what takes the signal samples generated in GNU radio and sends them to the USRP for transmission.
     140You can add blocks by clicking the magnifying glass to open a search bar and then search. Drag the block from the list into the flowgraph or double click and it will show up. To make connections, click on a blue tab and drag to another one.
     142You will need to set values for {{{samp_rate}}} as well as parameters in each of the blocks. Double clicking on a block will bring up an editor for all parameters that a block uses. See below for the parameters used in this experiment for each block:
     144 ||||||||Figure 2: Transmitter Flowgraph Parameters ||
     145 || [[Image(x310_sb2_tx_usrp_sink.png, 280px)]] || [[Image(x310_sb2_tx_signal_source.png, 280px)]] || [[Image(x310_sb2_tx_options.png, 280px)]]
     146 || (a) UHD USRP Sink  || (b) Signal Source || (c) Options ||
     148Note that in the USRP Sink, we are setting the address to be This is the same address we were setting up the network card interface to be able to communicate with earlier.
     150After all of these parameters have been entered, press the green play button. It will prompt you to save the flowgraph, you can save it in the default directory with the filename {{{x310_tx.grc}}}.
     152When the flowgraph runs, it should after some seconds open up a new GUI window with nothing on it. This is OK, it is blank simply because we used no GUI blocks. To stop it running, simply close this window.
     154==== Receiver ====
     156Start GNU Radio on {{{node1-2}}}:
     158{{{root@node1-2:~# gnuradio-companion}}}
     160We want to build a flowgraph that looks like the following:
     162 ||||Figure 3: Transmitter Flowgraph ||
     163 || [[Image(x310_sb2_rx_flowgraph.png, 600px)]] ||
     165Instead of a USRP Sink, we have a USRP Source. This gives us samples received by the radio receiver at the specified sample rate of 10 MHz. We then feed these samples into a "QT GUI Frequency Sink", which will allow us to see the frequency spectrum of the signal we are receiving. We need the following parameters set up:
     167 ||||||Figure 4: Transmitter Flowgraph Parameters ||
     168 || [[Image(x310_sb2_rx_usrp_source.png, 280px)]] || [[Image(x310_sb2_rx_options.png, 280px)]] ||
     169 || (a) UHD USRP Source  || (b) Options ||