Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Tutorials/k0SDR/Tutorial00b

Jul 26, 2021, 6:51:39 AM (4 years ago)


  • Tutorials/k0SDR/Tutorial00b

    v1 v2  
    1717=== Set Up ===
    1818==== Imaging ====
    19 First, make sure you have Sandbox 2 reserved and are logged into the console over SSH.
     19First, make sure you have Sandbox 2 reserved and are logged into the console over SSH. '''Please enable X11 forwarding, by using the -X flag (-Y if on Mac OS)'''
    2121We should make sure that both of the nodes are turned off:
    3939Give the node about a minute to turn on and be ready, and then SSH into the first node:
    41 {{{mpk2138@console:~$ ssh root@node1-1}}}
     41{{{mpk2138@console:~$ ssh -X root@node1-1}}}
    4343Once you have SSH'd into {{{node1-1}}}, open a second SSH session and login to the Sandbox 2 console as before. On that new SSH session, SSH into the other node:
    45 {{{mpk2138@console:~$ ssh root@node1-2}}}
     45{{{mpk2138@console:~$ ssh -X root@node1-2}}}
    4747At this stage, you should have two SSH windows open, each logged into one of the two nodes.
     51==== Install Octave on node1-2 ====
     52We will need Octave (the GNU version of MATLAB) to process the data from our experiment. We only need to install it on {{{node1-2}}}. To do so, use the following commands:
     54Start by installing the new Ubuntu package manager, Snap:
     56{{{root@node1-2:~# sudo apt update}}}
     58{{{root@node1-2:~# sudo apt install snapd}}}
     60Accept whatever prompts {{{sudo apt install}}} gives you.
     62Then, reboot the node. First, exit it:
     64{{{root@node1-2:~# exit}}}
     66You will end up back in the Sandbox 2 console. Now, reboot the node:
     68{{{mpk2138@console:~$ omf tell -a offh -t node1-2}}}
     70Wait a minute or so:
     72{{{mpk2138@console:~$ omf tell -a on -t node1-2}}}
     74After another minute, you should now be able to log back into {{{node1-2}}}. Once you can, run the following command to install Octave:
     76{{{root@node1-2:~# sudo snap install octave}}}
     78Now, we need to setup a symbolic file link so Octave can find the correct X11 authentication file:
     80{{{root@node1-2:~# ln -s ~/.Xauthority ~/snap/octave/current/.Xauthority}}}
    4983==== Configuring the Network Interface ====
    75109Please ensure this works before proceeding.
    77 === Running the UHD example experiment ===
     111==== Setting up GNU Radio ====
     112To make sure GNU Radio can start, please run the following two commands on each node to point GNU Radio to the correct Python installation directories:
     114{{{root@node1-X:~# export PYTHONPATH=/usr/local/lib/python3/dist-packages/:$PYTHONPATH}}}
     116{{{root@node1-X:~# export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}}}
     118Now we set the network card read and write buffer size to the maximum size possible:
     120{{{root@node1-X:~# sudo sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=24862979}}}
     122{{{root@node1-X:~# sudo sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=24862979}}}
     124=== Building the GNU Radio Flowgraph ===
    78125''See the troubleshooting section below for a common error and how to fix it.''
    80 Now, we can run the example UHD experiment to make sure that the radios are able to transmit and receive.
     127Start GNU Radio on {{{node1-1}}}:
    82 Set up the USRP X310 on {{{node1-1}}} to transmit a 1 MHz sine wave sampled at 10 MHz, with 2GHz carrier frequency:
     129{{{root@node1-1:~# gnuradio-companion}}}
    84 {{{root@node1-1:~# cd /usr/local/lib/uhd/examples/}}}
    86 {{{root@node1-1:/usr/local/lib/uhd/examples/# ./tx_waveforms --freq 2e9 --rate 10e6 --wave-type SINE --wave-freq 1e6 --gain 0}}}
     131The GNU Radio interface should show up on your local machine. The goal is to build a flowgraph that looks like this:
    89133=== Troubleshooting ===
    131175{{{root@node1-X:~# exit}}}
    133 Once back in the console, power cycle the node:
    135 {{{mpk2138@console:~$ omf tell -a offh -t node1-X}}}
    137 Wait a minute or so:
    139 {{{mpk2138@console:~$ omf tell -a on -t node1-X}}}
    141 You can now log back into the node over SSH and continue running the example experiment.
     177Once back in the console, power cycle the node using OMF. You can now log back into the node over SSH and continue on by setting up the network interface again.
    143179The "imaging" outlined here is a very different procedure to "imaging" the node with a {{{.ndz}}} file. When imaging a node with a {{{.ndz}}} file, we are basically overwriting the hard drive with a backup. Imaging an FPGA on a USRP (or any FPGA in general) is the process of loading a new digital circuit configuration onto the FPGA's EEPROM - a much more delicate process which is why it must complete without disturbance.