Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of Other/Summer/2023/Awareness

Aug 8, 2023, 2:36:02 PM (11 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/Awareness

    v18 v19  
    5454* This gif also highlights one of the main benefits of using multiple cameras. Behind the cube on one view there is an empty section that we have no information about. By combining the camera views, we now have information about this previous blind spot.
    5555* We starting working on sending multiple point cloud frames, but had issues rendering both the streamed, and local point clouds at the same time. It would work for a few seconds, but then the pipeline would break. We are unsure what exactly causes this, likely an issue with reading from two different files at the same time. The first image is the locally rendered frames and the second is the streamed frames.
    56 [[Image()]]
    7576[[Image(3d car.png)]]
    7677* Ideally, we will update our model to add the segmentation feature and combine the "masks" of the objects to separate the point cloud of the detected object. This would be used later to send object information to smart cars and to track the movements of these objects within the intersection.
     78* We successfully extracted the segmentation points from the object recognition model. Our next challenge would be to find multiple segmentations of the same object from different cameras, and to use these points to either create a bounding box or other type of mesh to separate the object from the rest of the point cloud.