Changes between Version 33 and Version 34 of Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev

Aug 9, 2023, 5:55:16 PM (11 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev

    v33 v34  
    160160<img width="400" height="400" alt="ScenarioRunnerExample1" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev/Screen%20Shot%202023-07-31%20at%2011.18.48%20AM.png" />
    161 <img width="400" height="400" alt="Image Bug" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev/image_bug.png" />
    162 <p>The first image shows Django-rest-framework's logo (Source: <a href="">[django-rest-framework main page]</a>). The second image shows the image distortion bug that we were getting as a result of visualizing the data from the RGB camera sensor in the CARLA simulator. </p>
    163 </center>
    164 Nonetheless, we were able to successfully collect data from some of the camera sensors in the CARLA simulator. For example:
    165 <center>
    166 <img width="400" height="400" alt="Sample RGB Image" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev//107-12.63882027566433.png" />
    167 <p>The image above shows a sample image that was successfully collected from the RGB Camera sensor in CARLA Simulator.</p>
    168 </center>
    170163<h4>Next Steps</h4>
    231224<li>Displaying the waypoints in the GPS minimap.</li>
    232225<li>Collection of data based on the scenarios created in Carla.</li>
    233 <li>Loading and testing the sceanarios in Town-12.</li>
    234 </ul>
    236 <h4>Summary</h4>
    237 <p>During weeks 8 and 9, we spent time implementing the way points in the GPS mini-map that we got working in the previous weeks. This helps us set a path for the vehicle and track the vehicle in real-time. Another objective that we achieved during this period was to load the Town-12 map in the Carla simulator. Town-12 is a vast map that spans 10x10 km² as compared to the standard map which was 1.2 km².Town-12 also consists of various sections such as a downtown area, farmland, woods, city, suburbs, and highways which helps in conducting larger experiments.
     226<li>Loading and testing the scenarios in Town-12.</li>
     230<p>During weeks 8 and 9, we spent time implementing the waypoints in the GPS mini-map that we got working on in the previous weeks. This helps us set a path for the vehicle and track the vehicle in real time. Another objective that we achieved during this period was to load the Town-12 map in the Carla simulator. Town-12 is a vast map that spans 10x10 km² as compared to the standard map, which was 1.2 km².Town-12 also consists of various sections, such as a downtown area, farmland, woods, city, suburbs, and highways which helps in conducting larger experiments.