
Quit Smoking Application

By: Smruthi Srikumar, Davesh Mathur, Ridhima Sakhuja, and Sneha Batheja

Objective: Our goal is to create an application that will help users quit smoking. The application will utilize a MYO armband, which will recognize the gestures associated with smoking, and an Android wearable device, which will confirm that the user is smoking and collect sensor data, to detect when the user is smoking. Once smoking is detected, the application will notify the user and a loved one that about health risks associated with smoking. The application will also collect data about the smoker's vital signs to potentially be used in research.

The MYO will detect gestures through raw EMG data that is fed to the application. The application records several trials of data and uses these trials as means to recognize when the gesture is made later on.

The Android wear version of the application will use heart rate, location, and accelerometer data to determine whether or not the user is smoking. The patterns will be detected more easily over time by using machine learning algorithms to train the software. This application will send a push notification to the phone as well as the smart watch and will also send a text to loved ones who's phone numbers are entered into the app.

Resources: For this project we will use the Myo SDK, Android Studio, and Android Wear.

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Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Aug 17, 2017, 2:21:10 PM
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