
WINLAB Summer Internship 2012

2012 Summer Internship Pages


    Project Participants
    Android Sensor Library Gradeigh D. Clark(UG), Xianyi Gao(UG), Malathi Dharmalingam, Theophilius Mensah(UG)
    AR.Drone Automated Tracker Hugo Charles, Juan Antialon(UG)
    Brain Computer Interface: EEG based human-machine interface Chalmers Brown(UG), Tom Rizzie(UG), Michael Wu(UG)
    Content Caching on the Cloud Parth Desai(UG), Parth Patel(UG)
    Context Aware Group Messaging Jason Tam(UG), David Shen(UG), Scott Xu(UG)
    ICEMAN Maxime Delachavonnery(UG), Geoffrey Oh(UG), Peter Lin(UG), John Reed(UG), Stephen Shanko(UG)
    Inteligent Parking Systems - !ParkNet Project Vladimir Coric, Patrick Yuen(HS) IPSParkNet]
    !MobilityFirst: Next generation Internet architecture Aravind Krishnamoorthy, Shreyasee Mukherjee, Sowrabh Moily, Jae Lee*
    Multihoming implementation on Mobility First Internet architecture Sabur Hassan Baidya Multihoming on MF
    OpenFlow Implementation of MobilityFirst Protocols Aravind Krishnamoorthy MobilityFirst Using OpenFlow
    Owl Platform for Localization and Sensing Silas Waltzer(UG), Sai Kotikalapudi(UG) Owl Platform
    RF Monitoring Shaun Kotikalapudi(UG) Vignesh Subramanian RF Monitoring
    Signet Ring Project: Distinguishing Users with Capacitative Touch Communication
    Drivesafe Bluetooth Integration
    Joshua Devasagayaraj(UG) Signet Ring & Drivesafe
    WiMAX Base Station Programming Jeffrey Rabinowitz(UG) WiMAX
    Wireless Cloud Computing Shraddha Pandhe Wireless Cloud Computing


    • UG - Undergraduate student
    • HS - High School student
    Last modified 8 years ago Last modified on Jun 1, 2017, 4:39:21 AM
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