Changes between Version 27 and Version 28 of Old/Hardware/hNodes/cNodeVer3/dAssembly/aCase

Jan 10, 2013, 11:35:33 PM (12 years ago)
Ilya Chigirev


  • Old/Hardware/hNodes/cNodeVer3/dAssembly/aCase

    v27 v28  
    1 [[TOC(Hardware, Hardware/hNodes*, depth=5)]]
     1[[TOC(Hardware/hNodes/cNodeVer3*, depth=5)]]
    33===== Case Assembly =====
    4 ====== Bench Test ======
     4''' Bench Test '''
    55 1. Place unpacked motherboard on bench and connect power supply, monitor, and USB keyboard
    66 2. Connect hard drive to motherboard and power supply
    1212  * ETH1 PXE first device on boot list, hard drive should be the second
    14 ====== Motherboard & Case Assembly ======
    15 '''These instructions are the generic instructions for all nodes. Please check each individual motherboard page for specific instructions relating to that motherboard model'''[[BR]]
    16 ====== Components ======
    17 [[Image(ComponentList.jpg, 300)]] [[BR]]
     14''' Motherboard & Case Assembly '''[[BR]]
     15//'''These instructions are the generic instructions for all nodes. Please check each individual motherboard page for specific instructions relating to that motherboard model'''//[[BR]][[BR]]
     16''' Components '''[[BR]]
     17[[Image(ComponentList.jpg, 300, align=center)]] [[BR]]
    1818 || '''System''' ||  ||
    1919 || 1 || LV-67C mother board ||
    3232 || 1 || Velcro wire strap ||
    3333 || '''Fasteners''' ||  ||
    34  || 4 || 6-32 1/2" 100 degree screws (''securing the motherboard'')||
    35  || 12|| 6-32 1/4" 100 degree screws (''fastening the case together and [[BR]] securing the power supply to the case'') ||
     34 || 4 || 6-32 1/2" 100 degree screws (''securing the motherboard'') ||
     35 || 12 || 6-32 1/4" 100 degree screws (''fastening the case together and [[BR]] securing the power supply to the case'') ||
    3636 || 1 || 6-32 1/4" pan head screw (''fastening the power supply'') ||
    3737 || 3 || 6-32 3/16" 100 degree screws (''CM mounting to chassis'') ||
    44 ====== Main U chassis: ======
     44''' Main U chassis: '''
    4545 1. Install the wireless cards onto the motherboard first as it may be difficult to reach once the motherboard is in the case.
    4646  * Make sure to install any pigtails at this time as well
    47   * check sections [ below] for which cards and which antenna cables are needed.
     47  * check sections below for which cards and which antenna cables are needed.
    4848 2. Assemble the mother board:
    4949  1. The Mother board should be aligned with the screw holes so that the headers point away from the vent hatching on the u channel.
    6868  3. Use the 6-32 1/4" pan head screw to fasten the top of the power supply (near the 3 prong power header) to the rear cap.
    6969  4. Bolt all the SMA headers to the face plate. The header position convention used is found in the sections below depending on which cards are installed.
    70  6. Install the CM as directed by [ here].
     70 6. Install the CM as directed by [wiki:Hardware/hNodes/cNodeVer3/dAssembly/bCM here].
    7171 7. Attach and Wire the hard drive:[[BR]][[Image(DiskStandOff.jpg, 300)]][[Image(DiskBackPlate.jpg, 300)]][[Image(DiskWire.jpg, 300)]]
    7272  1. attach the M3 5mm hex stand offs to the hard dive using the bottom holes.
    8787   * The rear of the top cover should go below the cap.
    89 ====== Antenna Placement ====== #Antenna
     89''' Antenna Placement '''
    9090This is a diagram of the proper antenna placement for all nodes.
    9191There are a total of 5 cards that can be placed in the Nodes. Since the node has only 1 mini-pci and 1  pci express slot however, there are only a few combinations of cards.