

This is the root switch to the Orbit network.That also includes firewall and Internal switch ports.
access: (takes a tad to flinch)

Top Switch layout

  • Public VLANs (VLAN 50) - 4 ports (DMZ, 2 planet lab, firewall out)
  • Firewall feed - 4 ports (to ASA)
  • Internal (VLAN 2) - 10 ports
  • Legacy sw-top VLANs - 16 ports

Legacy sw-top ports refer to the following three categories:

  1. Infrastructure - Not really visible to user - Aruba, Internal, Instrumental ect - VLANs 1-6
  2. Experimental - Pertains to Grid, outdoor, Sandboxes - VLANs 7,8,11-38
  3. Public - Visible from outside - VLAN 50

The legacy sw-top inludes following non-used VLANs, which are ignored for the IP8800 sw-top configs:

  • VLAN 1001-1005 - Cisco associated
  • 9,10 - not used for any ORBIT services


0/1–4 50Publicly visible - access ports
0/750Public connection - trunk
0/87,8Grid Data and Control
0/91-6Main Subnets
0/1011-38SandBox 1-9
Infrastructural VLAN trunksNetwork services hidden from Users
0/13-22 2Internal access ports
0/29,30 1,2Internal (1)
0/321,4,5Aruba, Instrumental
0/341-6Main Subnets
0/3511-28Control SandBox 1-9 for XMPP
0/362OF control interface for IP8800s
Testbed VLAN trunks(Grid, SB 1-9)
0/371,3,29,30CM, Outdoor Data and Ctrl
0/381,7,31:2:37Grid and VGrid Ctrl
0/391,8Grid Data
0/407,8Grid Data and Ctrl
0/411,6-8DMZ, Grid Data and Ctrl
0/421,3,11-38SandBox aggregate switch
0/431,11-38Testbed Data and Ctrl
0/441,3,11-38CM, Testbed Data and Ctrl
Master Trunk connectionsEncompass all VLANs on switch
0/471Access Net
0/481-38Master Trunk

Legacy Configurations

references (these are in Japanese):

Last modified 14 years ago Last modified on Sep 17, 2010, 8:18:41 PM
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