
Version 8 (modified by msherman, 11 years ago) ( diff )

Miscellaneous Notes

This is for internal use of lab administrators only

  • Ldap: dhcp1 and dhcp2 (cname - The ldap conf lives in etc, as well as the "secret"
  • Web: served out of external3 (cname - External web huhah only.
  • Internal ldap admin: http://internal4/phpldapadmin - If you just point a web browser to internal 3, it enumerates /, but that directory doesn't show up. however point the url directly works.
  • Internal1 hosts the mysql services, but the phpmyadmin runs on internal3 (http://internal4/phpmyadmin) (similar to the ldapamdin). You'll have to point the myadmin to internal1 to get the tables from that host (e.g. inventory).

Modifying inventory entries through XML

In this example I am trying to change a node from CM type 1 to type 10, the same process is true for any XML modifications to inventory changes. Changes can be done in a web browser opened in the internal1 network.

  1. Check CM type and port
  1. Set new CM type
  1. Set new CM port
  1. Restart the service
    /etc/init.d/omf-aggmgr-5.4 restart

Fixing IRQ issue on Gs with intel WIMAX and ath9k

  1. Go into BIOS → Others → SIO configuration
  2. Set 'Paraller' Port address to 'Disable'
  3. Save and exit

Test by:

  1. load baseline
  2. ifconfig -a , make sure no wireless interfaces show (need to blacklist intel wireless)
    1. if intel wireless appears, rmmod iwlwifi
  3. modprobe ath9k
  4. check dmesg to see if radio comes up
  5. check ifconfig -a to see if interface appears
  6. ifconfig wlan1 up
  7. iwlist wlan1 scan
  8. iwconfig wlan1 essid WINMAIN
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