
Usage Policy

As ORBIT's name (Open-Access Research Testbed for Next-Generation Wireless Networks) says, almost all research or educational uses are appropriate and encouraged. These include use by universities, industrial research labs, and both US and non-US institutions. ORBIT users are organized in groups and user account authorization is handled by the group principal investigator (PI). PI is typically a faculty member or a senior/permanent staff member at the institution and is the person that is accountable for group members behavior while using the testbed. In order to create a new group,PI needs to fill in the new group registration form. Once the group is approved (typically less than a couple of business days), the PI will receive a group activation email. This will also establish the organization in ORBIT accounting system and allow new users to select that group while filling in the user registration form. The PI is solely responsible for approving new group user accounts and can delegate this role to any of the users in the group through the group management in the control panel.

With some provisions, use for product development and evaluation by companies is also acceptable. Please email us at "admin AT" if you are interested, or if you have any questions regarding this policy.


We provide the testbed, accompanying services, and software to the research community "as-is with all defects" and without any warranty of any kind. ORBIT disclaims all warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and noninfringment. ORBIT is not responsible for any errors in documentation, errors in running the experiments, errors in results or any security breaches. Please keep in mind that the system is not geared towards providing security beyond simple means provided by standard infrastructure facilities (i.e. standard Linux based access controls and given that users have ultimate control over their own software/images) and that we provide absolutely NO PRIVACY guarantees.

Last modified 7 years ago Last modified on Jun 21, 2018, 6:26:18 PM
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