97 | 97 | Once the process is completed, you may attach a UE to the network. In order to attach a UE to the network, follow the instructions for the LTE UEs of Orbit, mentioned here: [https://www.orbit-lab.org/wiki/Hardware/fDevices/dWide "Available Devices"], [https://www.orbit-lab.org/wiki/Software/hDrivers#NetgearAC341U "Connecting an LTE UE to the network"]. All the Orbit UEs are already registered with the HSS, so they should require no further configuration. The default APN that you should use with this network is ''oai.ipv4''.** You can use the lte-ue.ndz image for loading it on a node equipped with an LTE dongle. The image has pre-installed all the required drivers for attaching the LTE dongle on the node, and only requires from you to send the commands for attaching it to the network. |