3 | | Open flow is a very versatile standard. You can read more about it here. As an example of the capabalities of open flow, and a tutorial on the orbit sandbox that was created specfically for the purposes of evaluating and testing openflow, we will run through a simple experiment. |
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5 | | In the Openflow model, traffic can be separated along may diffrent boundaries. In this particular example we're going to sperate bittorrent traffic in highnumbered ports. We will run two sperate controllers. The first will handle the production traffic, and run a commodity controller, SNAC. The second controller will manage the "experimental" bit-torrent traffic, and run a configured Nox controller. The data interfaces (eth0) of 4 nodes are connected to the open flow switch. The openflow switch is pre-configured to speak to a controller at console.sb9.orbit-lab.org:6633 The logical setup should look like:[[BR]] |
| 3 | Open flow is a very versatile standard. You can read more about it [http://www.openflowswitch.org/ here]. As an example of the capabalities of open flow, and a tutorial on the capabilities of the orbit sandbox that was created specfically for the purposes of evaluating and testing openflow, we will run through a simple experiment. |
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| 5 | In the Openflow model, traffic can be separated along may diffrent boundaries. In this particular example we're going to sperate bittorrent traffic in highnumbered ports. We will run two sperate controllers. The first will handle the production traffic, and run a commodity controller, SNAC. The second controller will manage the "experimental" bit-torrent traffic, and run a configured Nox controller. The data interfaces (eth0) of 4 nodes are connected to the open flow switch. The openflow switch is pre-configured to speak to a controller at sb9.orbit-lab.org:6633 The logical setup should look like:[[BR]] |