Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of TracEnvironment

Jan 4, 2006, 5:52:42 PM (19 years ago)


  • TracEnvironment

    v1 v2  
    11= Trac Storage - The Environment =
    2 Trac uses a directory structure and an embedded [ SQLite] database as storage.
     3Trac uses a directory structure and a database for storing project data.
    45== Creating an Environment ==
    5 A new Trac environment is created using [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin], like:
     7A new Trac environment is created using [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin]:
    89$ trac-admin /path/to/projectenv initenv
    11 [wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] will ask you where your subversion repository is located and
    12 where it can find the trac templates directory (the default value should work for a typical install).
     12[wiki:TracAdmin trac-admin] will ask you for the name of the project, the
     13database connection string (explained below), and where your subversion
     14repository is located.
    14 '''Note:''' The web server user will require file system write permission to the environment
    15 directory and all the files inside. '''Remember to set the appropriate permissions.''
     16  ''Note: The web server user will require file system write permission to
     17the environment directory and all the files inside. Please remember to set
     18the appropriate permissions. The same applies to the Subversion
     19repository, although Trac will only require read access as long as you're
     20not using the BDB file system.''
    17 The same applies for the subversion repository files (unless using the [ FSFS Subversion backend], something we highly recommend.
     22== Database Connection Strings ==
     24Since version 0.9, Trac supports both [ SQLite] and
     25[ PostgreSQL] as database backends.  The default
     26is to use SQLite, which is probably sufficient for most projects. The database file
     27is then stored in the environment directory, and can easily be
     28[wiki:TracBackup backed up] together with the rest of the environment.
     30The connection string for an embedded SQLite database is:
     35If you want to use PostgreSQL instead, you'll have to use a different
     36connection string. For example, to connect to a database on the same
     37machine called `trac`, that allows access to the user `johndoe` with
     38the password `letmein`, use:
     43If PostgreSQL is running on a non-standard port (for example 9342), use:
     48Note that with PostgreSQL you will have to create the database before running
     49`trac-admin initenv`.
    2151== Directory Structure ==
    22 {{{
    23  EnvDir
    24    |-- README
    25    |-- VERSION
    26    |-- attachments
    27    |   |-- ticket
    28    |   `-- wiki
    29    |-- conf
    30    |   `-- trac.ini
    31    |-- db
    32    |   `-- trac.db
    33    |-- log
    34    |   `-- trac.log
    35    |-- templates
    36    |   |-- site_css.cs
    37    |   |-- site_footer.cs
    38    |   `-- site_header.cs
    39    `-- wiki-macros
    40 }}}
    42  * '''README''' - Brief description of the environment.
    43  * '''VERSION''' - Contains the environment version identifier.
    44  * '''attachments''' - All attached files go in here.
    45    * '''ticket''' - Ticket attachments.
    46    * '''wiki''' - Wiki attachments.
    47  * '''conf'''
    48    * '''trac.ini''' - Main configuration file. See TracIni.
    49  * '''db'''
    50    * '''trac.db''' - SQLite database.
    51  * '''templates''' - Custom (environment-specific) templates.
    52    * '''site_css.cs''' - Custom CSS stylesheet.
    53    * '''site_footer.cs''' - Custom footer.
    54    * '''site_header.cs''' - Custom header.
    55  * '''wiki-macros''' - Environment-specific WikiMacros.
     53An environment directory will usually consist of the following files and directories:
     55 * `README` - Brief description of the environment.
     56 * `VERSION` - Contains the environment version identifier.
     57 * `attachments` - Attachments to wiki pages and tickets are stored here.
     58 * `conf`
     59   * `trac.ini` - Main configuration file. See TracIni.
     60 * `db`
     61   * `trac.db` - The SQLite database (if you're using SQLite).
     62 * `plugins` - Environment-specific [wiki:TracPlugins plugins] (Python eggs)
     63 * `templates` - Custom environment-specific templates.
     64   * `site_css.cs` - Custom CSS rules.
     65   * `site_footer.cs` - Custom page footer.
     66   * `site_header.cs` - Custom page header.
     67 * `wiki-macros` - Environment-specific [wiki:WikiMacros Wiki macros].
    58 See also: TracBackup, TracIni, TracGuide
     70See also: TracAdmin, TracBackup, TracIni, TracGuide