Changes between Version 19 and Version 20 of Software/eAM/aInventory

Apr 23, 2015, 7:51:25 PM (9 years ago)


  • Software/eAM/aInventory

    v19 v20  
    99 * which kernel and initramfs should the node boot during pxe phases?
    1010 * what kind of network cards does this node have?
    11 In the Inventory AM, some of the configuration data is static and configured during the installation process (e.g. the control interface of a node). In contrast some configuration information is gathered via a live inventory collection process where the node is booted into a PRE-OS (pxelinux). While in the PRE-OS scripts on the node collection information about the nodes current configuration (e.g installed disk size, types of wireless cards).
     11In the Inventory AM, some of the configuration data is static and configured during the installation process (e.g. the control interface of a node). In contrast some configuration information is gathered via a live inventory collection process where the node is booted into a PRE-OS (pxelinux). While in the PRE-OS scripts on the node collection information about the nodes current configuration (e.g installed disk size, types of wireless cards).
     13The current attribute list is:
     14 * CM_ip - Ipaddress of the Chassis Manager
     15 * CM_port - ???
     16 * CM_type - Version number of the cmc associated with this node
     17 * INF_control_ip - IP address of the control Interface
     18 * INF_data_switch_port_id - Switch port number for the data interface
     19 * INF_default_disk - Disk path that node boots off
     20 * INF_max_frisbee_rate - maximum rate allowed for pushing images onto the disk
     21 * INF_pxe_image - Name of the boot file that tells pxelinux.bin which kernel and initramfs to download
     22 * INF_reset_timeout - time before we assumed the node failed to boot and then attempt a recovery by rebooting
     23 * INF_x_coor - X coordinate of the node (domain specific)
     24 * INF_y_coor - Y coordinate of the node (domain specific)
     25 * INV_check_in - Last time the node successfully completed an inventory
     26 * INV_cpu_bench - rudimentary CPU benchmark (prime factorization) for comparing node capabilities
     27 * INV_cpu_hz - CPU clock speed for identification
     28 * INV_cpu_type - Vendor identification string that name the CPU architecture
     29 * INV_fw_ping - Connectivity test of the control interface (pings the outbound gateway)
     30 * INV_hd_model - Vendor string that identifies the hard disk
     31 * INV_hd_size - Disk size reported by OS
     32 * INV_hd_sn - Disk Serial number as reported by OS (for identification purposes)
     33 * INV_mb_sn - Mother board Serial number as reported by OS (for identification purposes)
     34 * INV_memory - Node Memory Capacity as reported by OS
     35 * '''name - Fully qualified domain name of the node (this is the principal identifier)'''