Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Other/Summer/2024/pMA

Jun 17, 2024, 7:39:37 PM (3 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2024/pMA

    v1 v2  
     1== Programmable Metamaterial Antenna's For Physical Layer Security
    2 To be written soon!
     3Members: Dylan Turner, Prachi Patel
     5Faculty advisors:
     13== PROGRESS LOG
     15Week 1 (5/28 - 5/30)
     16     - Began reading the research paper our project is based on, which details the fundamental aspects of our topic.
     17     - We met with our mentor and began discussing topics in depth in regards to metamaterial antennas.
     18     - We learned how to use Orbit and the command line arguments in order to connect the node along with turning it on and off.
     20Week 2 (6/3 - 6/6)
     21     - We learned the fundamentals of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM).
     22     - We watched an Introduction to Linux presentation.
     23     - We downloaded GNU Radio on our local devices.
     24     - We experimented with creating basic flowgraphs.
     25     - We completed a tutorial with our mentor involving Sandbox 2, transmitting and receiving OFDM signals from two Software Defined Radios.
     27Week 3 (6/10 - 6/13)
     28     - We began looking into source code for the OFDM transmitter block that required modification.
     29     - We learned how to output to file sink using GNURadio.
     30     - We researched related topics as we came across them in the flowgraph, such as Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) which is essentially an
     31       error correction tool.
     32     - We viewed outputs for each individual block as Hex or Binary data.
     33     - Wrote a script to convert the complex number in Single precision IEEE 752 format to decimal using python.
     34     - We tried to visualize the output of the OFDM Carrier allocator, but ran into issues because we cannot use custom python blocks on mac
     35       due to a bug.
     36     - Modified the saving script to accept a second set of vectors as input which will multiply the OFDM carrier allocation output.