
Version 1 (modified by dirky9000, 4 months ago) ( diff )

Privacy Leakage Study and Protection for Virtual Reality Devices

Advisor: Dr. Yingying (Jennifer) Chen

Mentors: Changming LiGR, Honglu LiGR, and Tianfang ZhangGR

Team: Dirk Catpo RiscoGR, (Jinu) SonUG, BrodyHS, Emily YaoHS

Final Poser With Results

Project Overview

Augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) is used for many applications and have been used for many purposes ranging from communicating and tourism, all the way to healthcare. Accessing the built-in motion sensors does not require user permissions, as most VR applications need to access this information in order to function. However, this introduces the possibility of privacy vulnerabilities: zero-permission motion sensors can be used in order to infer live speech, which is a problem when that speech may include sensitive information.

Project Goal

The purpose of this project is to extract motion data from AR/VR devices inertial measurement unit (IMU), and then input this data to a large language model (LLM) to predict what the user is doing

Weekly Updates

Week 1


  • Read research paper [1] regarding an eavesdropping attack called Face-Mic

Next Week Goals

  • We plan to meet with our mentors and get more information on the duties and expectations of our project

Week 2


  • Read research paper [2] regarding LLMs comprehending the physical world
  • Build a connection between research paper and also privacy concerns of AR/VR devices

Next Week Goals

  • Get familiar with AR/VR device:
    • Meta Quest
    • How to use device
    • Configure settings on host computer
  • Extract motion data from IMU
    • Connecting motion sensor application program interface (API) to access data
    • Data processing method

Week 3


  • Placeholder

Next Week Goals

  • Placeholder

Week 4


  • Placeholder

Next Week Goals

  • Placeholder

Week 5


  • Placeholder

Next Week Goals

  • Placeholder

Week 6


  • Placeholder

Next Week Goals

  • Placeholder

Week 7


  • Placeholder

Next Week Goals

  • Placeholder

Links to Presentations

Week 1   Week 2   Week 3   Week 4   Week 5   Week 6   Week 7   Final Presentation  


[1] Shi, C., Xu, X., Zhang, T., Walker, P., Wu, Y., Liu, J., Saxena, N., Chen, Y. and Yu, J., 2021, October. Face-Mic: inferring live speech and speaker identity via subtle facial dynamics captured by AR/VR motion sensors. In Proceedings of the 27th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (pp. 478-490).

[2] Xu, H., Han, L., Yang, Q., Li, M. and Srivastava, M., 2024, February. Penetrative ai: Making llms comprehend the physical world. In Proceedings of the 25th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (pp. 1-7).

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