
Version 17 (modified by catzbyp1, 8 months ago) ( diff )

AR/VR Visualization of Data

Members: Alexander Kim, Amanda Lau, Catzby Paul, Samhitha Sangaraju, Vir Vaidya, David Zhao

Faculty advisors: Wade Trappe, Jennifer Shane, Ivan Seskar


Protein Visualization

Visualizing the structures from the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB) in AR/VR using Unity

Ocean Graphic Data

Visualizing sensor data from the Rutgers-deployed Slocum glider using the Meta Quest 3 and Unity


Week 1 (5/28 - 5/30)

  • Installed and familiarized ourselves with the Unity Engine
  • Successfully connected the Hololens to the Unity engine and created a simple test program

Week 2 (6/03 - 6/06)

Week 3 (6/10 - 6/13)


  • Developed scripts for comprehensive manipulation of game objects for the Meta Quest 3, including movement (grab and hold), rotation, and resizing, to allow users to better interact with areas of interest


  • Successfully visualized proteins through PyMol and imported models into Unity
  • Began work on direct conversion of PDB files into Unity without use of external program


  • Wrote a Python script to access, search, download, and preprocess relevant datasets from Rutgers' ERDDAP database
  • Successfully imported and visualized these datasets in Unity with human assistance

Week 4 (6/17 - 6/20)


  • Visualized and refined assets of proteins in Unity, streamlining code and procedures


  • Automated the process of downloading, cleaning, and visualizing glider data by pulling directly from ERDDAP into Unity
  • Added navigational functionality and toggle to accommodate for multiple variables of interest

Week 5 (6/24 - 6/27)


  • Optimized protein generation to improve performance
  • Implemented voice commands for viewing options
    • Toggle different structures
    • Isolate specific elements
    • Rescale the protein
    • Summon the protein in front of user -Worked on creating VR-compatible gauge in Unity to display ocean data (ex: temperature, salinity, and pressure)


  • Connected plot points by interpolating color
  • Implemented a basic GUI with a minimap and a variable readout
    • Began implementation of gauge to go along with variable readout
  • Added a toggle to "follow" the path of the glider

Week 6 (7/01 - 7/03)


  • Cleaned up code, made it easier to read
  • Redid Helix algorithm, allowing for improved Helix generation


  • Continued working on the gauge for the gliders path
  • Worked on adding references to the needle game object
  • Attached the gauge script to the needle game object
  • Ran into some issues regarding the rotation of the needle relative to the dataset.
  • Realized that the problem was regarding the pivot point of the needles and its position on the gauge and fix that.
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