
Version 15 (modified by jiwu2024wl, 6 days ago) ( diff )

5G Edge Cloud Application

    5G Edge Cloud Application

    WINLAB Summer Internship 2024

    Advisors: Anthony Magnan, Ivan Seskar, Jennifer Shane

    Group Members: Matt Arigo, Steven Nguyen, Ji Wu, Damon Lin

    Project Objective

    Our project aims to create a navigation system that utilizes 5G edge cloud computing to reduce the likelihood of vehicular accidents. We will build this by utilizing synthetic data we generated off of SUMO and Carla. We will also utilize real data sets given to us to integrate the two sets while inspecting the sets for differences.

    Week 1

    Week 1 Presentation


    • Looked into key terms such as MQTT, Multi-Access Edge Computing (MEC), Enhanced Vehicle-to-Everything Communication (eV2X Communication), and Virtual Roadside Units (vRSU)
    • Installed and tested Mosquitto, an MQTT broker on Linux, through these commands:
      sudo apt-add-repository ppa:mosquitto-dev/mosquitto-ppa
      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install mosquitto
      sudo apt-get install mosquitto-clients
      sudo apt clean

    Week 2

    Week 2 Presentation


    • Met with our advisors to discuss and define the project's direction
      • To be written
    • Took a look at simulation software CARLA (Car Learning to Act) and SUMO (Simulation for Urban Mobility)
    • Installed and tested Paho, another MQTT broker on Linux, as a substitute for Mosquitto
      • Paho is a Python-based MQTT broker, which is much more compatible with CARLA and SUMO

    Week 3

    Week 3 Presentation


    • Began simulating scenarios on both CARLA and SUMO
    • Figured out first person interface in CARLA
    • Set up Gitlab repository for message encoding to transcribe data received from CARLA and SUMO
    • Start receiving telemetry data from SUMO

    Week 4

    Week 4 Presentation


    • Began working on our base scenario
    • Worked on an algorithm that calculates when braking is necessary
    • Started integration of our scenario in CARLA with our database and algorithm
    • Started learning about Docker for later project utilization

    Week 5

    Week 5 Presentation


    • Made base scenario for SUMO and CARLA
    • Refined algorithm by adding a filter system before running the crash detector.
    • Finished Postgres database setup.

    No image "Diagram.png" attached to Other/Summer/2024/5GEdge


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