Changes between Version 54 and Version 55 of Other/Summer/2023/Latency

Aug 8, 2023, 7:00:35 PM (11 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/Latency

    v54 v55  
    4040     -Created Python script that created artificial videos with adjustable noise
    41 **Main Idea
     41**Week Run-through
    4343The bulk of this week was spent developing a Python script that created artificial videos of black and white frames alternating every half a second. This program comes with adjustable noise to mimic the camera’s change from black to colored frames with noise. Using OpenCV, we were able create the code successfully.
    5252     -Planned to create a histogram using Matplotlib.
    53 **Main Idea
     53**Week Run-through
    5555This week was shortened to a considerable margin to the point where we couldn't make much progress. However, we were able to plan for the following weeks by creating many artificial videos of varying amounts of noise as well as a plan to create histogram to plot the number of occurrences each hex byte appeared in order to visualize how noise affects packets using the Python library Matplotlib. 
    6565     - Used FFMPEG to get video into one MJPEG or many JPEG files.
    67 **Main Idea
     67**Weeks Run-through
    6969Following up on our plan from week 6, we worked on plotting histograms of the hex byte data. This had a rough start as when uploading the artificial videos to the node, the node ended up corrupting the video, making it impossible to use. As a result, we uploaded frames from the video to the node in order to compute it. After this, several histogram scripts were developed, each functioning in a different way. Ultimately, we decided upon creating three separate graphs for each color (RGB) of how often certain values occurred. After testing these with the JPEG images, we then used it on the camera where we changed LED setup to take up more of the camera’s view as well as used FFMPEG to get video into one MJPEG or many JPEG files. The resulting histograms were the following:
    8989     - Wrote Python scripts to isolate frames
    9090     - Calculated Latency
    91 **Main Idea
     91**Week Run-through
    9393During this week, we decided to take a step back to understand what the values in the JPEG hex values meant. Once analyzing the hex files from the video, it was quickly discovered there were certain indicators present, being FFD8 and FFD9. FFD8 represented the start of frame while FFD9 represented the end of the frame, while everything inside containing the frame contents. Knowing this, we were then able to isolate specific frames via these indicators via Python.
    109109     -Reduced latency
    110 **Main Idea
     110**Week Run-through
    112112When it came down to our final week of the project, it mainly revolved around finalizing the presentation and poster. However, there were other things that needed to be done, the main one being a way to reduce latency. When it came to reducing latency, this we could do via changing the camera settings in areas such as codec, data compression rate, or contrast.