Changes between Version 22 and Version 23 of Other/Summer/2023/Latency

Aug 8, 2023, 4:39:14 PM (11 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/Latency

    v22 v23  
    4242**Week 8 presentation: []**
    4343== Week 9
     44     - Learned about JPEG hex data indicators
     45     - Wrote Python scripts to isolate frames
     46     - Calculated Latency
    4447During this week, we decided to take a step back to understand what the values in the JPEG hex values meant. Once analyzing the hex files from the video, it was quickly discovered there were certain indicators present, being FFD8 and FFD9. FFD8 represented the start of frame while FFD9 represented the end of the frame, while everything inside containing the frame contents. Knowing this, we were then able to isolate specific frames via these indicators via Python.
     51After this step, we were finally able to calculate latency. By comparing the frame data to the packet data, we could find what exact packet correlates to the frame. By using the timestamp of the packet, we can then be able to find the latency.
     53However, this didn't come without challenges. For one, both the frame data and the packet data have many values that all need to equal to each other. Moreover, much of the packet data could be similar to the frame data with a few differences, making it extremely difficult to determine whether they match or not. As a result of these difficulties, we ended up developing a Python script that can determine which packet matches with the frame. With these challenges overcome, we were then able to find the latency of the camera of being about 45 milliseconds.
    4756**Week 9 presentation: []**
    4857== Week 10
     58     -Found ways of
    4959**Week 10 presentation: []**
    5060== Weekly Progress Reports