Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of Other/Summer/2023/Inference

Jul 5, 2023, 2:58:36 PM (12 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/Inference

    v2 v3  
    1414Main objectives
    15 learn how to design and run experiments on ORBIT
    16 prototype a handoff scheme for ML prediction
    17 develop a latency profiling framework for MEC-assisted machine learning
     15- learn how to design and run experiments on ORBIT
     16- prototype a handoff scheme for ML prediction
     17- develop a latency profiling framework for MEC-assisted machine learning
    1919– Split the network, early exit, simulate multiple CPU speeds, network delays
    25 Week 1
     25*Week 1
    27 Team introductions
    28 Kickoff meetings
    29 Refining and understanding research questions
    30 go over goals for the summer
     27- Team introductions
     28- Kickoff meetings
     29- Refining and understanding research questions
     30- go over goals for the summer
    3131For next week:
    32 Go through WINLAB orientation (TBD)
    33 Reading for next time:
    34 PPA Chapters 1 and 2
    35 Coding:
    36 install python (via Anaconda or something else)
    37 go through the interactive intro to python online or by downloading the notebook
    38 Review the basics of Python linked from the UT Austin site to learn basic syntax, flow control, etc.
    39 Week 2:
     32- Go through WINLAB orientation (TBD)
     33- Reading for next time:
     34- PPA Chapters 1 and 2
     35- Coding:
     36- install python (via Anaconda or something else)
     37- go through the interactive intro to python online or by downloading the notebook
     38- Review the basics of Python linked from the UT Austin site to learn basic syntax, flow control, etc.
     39*Week 2:
    42 Basics of pattern recognition and Machine Learning (PPA - Patterns, Predictions, Actions)
    43 set up an instance using pytorch on an Orbit node
    44 Created a node image with Pytorch
    45 Basics of Pytorch
    46 Created small Machine Learning models
    47 Loaded the Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) database onto the node
     42- Basics of pattern recognition and Machine Learning (PPA - Patterns, Predictions, Actions)
     43- set up an instance using pytorch on an Orbit node
     44- Created a node image with Pytorch
     45- Basics of Pytorch
     46- Created small Machine Learning models
     47- Loaded the Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology (MNIST) database onto the node
    4848computed the second moment matrix
    49 Did PCA and SVM on MNIST
     49- Did PCA and SVM on MNIST
    5050Next Steps:
    5151Create and train a “small” and “large” Neural Network