Changes between Version 57 and Version 58 of Other/Summer/2023/Distributed

Aug 7, 2023, 8:10:18 PM (11 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/Distributed

    v57 v58  
    158158**Idea Of Our Progress This Week**
    159159This week, we spent most of our time focusing on the manual side installation of Ceph. In order for us to do it, we set up the manager as well as the monitor service setup. We also set up the dashboard, storage pool, file system, and also the CephFS setup. After that, we went over Ansible tasks and went. over how to work with Ansible tasks using yaml scripts which are also known as the Ansible playbooks. We then created playbooks in order for us to be able to fix hostname tasks. After that, the final thing that we did was to setup the LXC ansible container in order for us to test further configurations. We used passwordless sudo, deployed Ceph on one node, and created an Ansible playbook in order for us to mount the Ceph FS.
     165== **Week 8**
     167   - Added and removed cluster networks to our Ceph nodes
     168   - Enabled the second network interface in our node
     169   - Added the cluster network in the configuration
     170   - Manually added the new node to the Ceph cluster
     171   - Developed Ansible playbooks to automate the process
     173**Idea Of Our Progress This Week**
     174This week, we spent most of our time focusing on the manual side installation of Ceph. In order for us to do it, we set up the manager as well as the monitor service setup. We also set up the dashboard, storage pool, file system, and also the CephFS setup. After that, we went over Ansible tasks and went. over how to work with Ansible tasks using yaml scripts which are also known as the Ansible playbooks. We then created playbooks in order for us to be able to fix hostname tasks. After that, the final thing that we did was to setup the LXC ansible container in order for us to test further configurations. We used passwordless sudo, deployed Ceph on one node, and created an Ansible playbook in order for us to mount the Ceph FS.
     180== **Week 9**
     182   - SLURM Installation
     183   - MATPLOTLIB Post Processing
     184   - Performance Testing With Graphs
     186**Idea Of Our Progress This Week**
     187This week, we worked on installing SLURM, which is basically a job scheduler for Linux clusters. We first installed SLURM on LXC containers, restarted the node, and finally ran benchmarks using SLURM. We also setup infiniband networks on the cluster and also continued to run performance tests.