Changes between Version 47 and Version 48 of Other/Summer/2023/Distributed

Jul 10, 2023, 6:27:57 PM (12 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/Distributed

    v47 v48  
    1010The objective of the project "Distributed Data Infrastructure focuses in general on developing a Ceph file system as well as stress testing the system's robustness and resilience. In order for us to be able to accomplish this goal, we are learning multiple concepts such as the Linux operating systems, file systems, networking, as well as Ansible.
    1214== **Week 1**
    1921Our main goal for this week was to spend time understanding the goal of the project and installing the necessary tools that would be used throughout the project, such as SSH, Orbit, Linux Packages, and eight cluster servers. We also got access to our Wireguard where we would be getting access to containers. We also installed and wired a cluster of 8 servers and issued some commands from our LXC containers in our terminal where we worked with Linux.
    2125We then understood some of the basic commands that would be useful for some more advanced work in the project. The final thing that we did was to install Debian and Ubuntu packages, removing Ubuntu packages with APT, and also searched and queried Ubuntu packages with APT.
    2329**Project Resources**
    3440   - Worked with start and stop services as well as job schedulers.
     42How Our Cluster Should Look Like
    3646**Idea Of Our Progress This Week**
    3848This week, we spent more time installing more drives to work with throughout the project. To understand the interaction that these drives would go through, we spent time studying one of the most fundamental file systems that are useful for this project, known as the network file system, which is basically a method for sharing files where "files reside on one or more remote servers accessible on a local client system", according to the course that we followed for this project. We mounted NFS and also booted up the BIOS which would prove useful for this project.
     50SSD Drive Anatomy
    4053**Week Resources**