Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev

Jul 26, 2023, 3:42:23 PM (11 months ago)


  • Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev

    v20 v21  
     132<h4 style="color: #c03;">Week 4</h4>
     135<li>Set up database on Orbit Node</li>
     136<li>Computer vision in CARLA Simulator</li>
     137<li>Understand Scenario Runner and create a basic Scenario</li>
     140<p>This week, we spent time understanding and learning the Scenario Runner dependency and implemented it with a basic scenario. Scenario runner allows us to create specific experiments where we can focus on collecting necessary data rather than using the free roam feature of the existing CARLA simulator. After spending time in the documentation and example code, we were able to create a simple route in which the ego vehicle has to drive forward, detect an obstacle, and get past it successfully.</p>
     143<p>We also worked on Computer vision to detect important elements in CARLA, such as traffic lights, other vehicles, and other common obstacles. Add more...</p>
     147<img alt="Scenario Runner Example" src="Screen Shot 2023-07-26 at 11.40.39 AM" />
     148<img width="400" height="400" alt="Image Bug" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev/image_bug.png" />
     149<p>The first image shows Django-rest-framework's logo (Source: <a href="">[django-rest-framework main page]</a>). The second image shows the image distortion bug that we were getting as a result of visualizing the data from the RGB camera sensor in the CARLA simulator. </p>
     151Nonetheless, we were able to successfully collect data from some of the camera sensors in the CARLA simulator. For example:
     153<img width="400" height="400" alt="Sample RGB Image" src="/raw-attachment/wiki/Other/Summer/2023/AgentDev//107-12.63882027566433.png" />
     154<p>The image above shows a sample image that was successfully collected from the RGB Camera sensor in CARLA Simulator.</p>
     157<h4>Next Steps</h4>
     159<li>Learn about Scenario Runner in CARLA</li>
     160<li>Brainstorm some scenarios to set up in CARLA simulator</li>
     161<li>Begin analyzing at PazNet architecture</li>
     165<li><a>[Week 3 Slides Here]</a></li>
     166<li><a href="">[Django]</a></li>
     167<li><a href="">[django-rest-framework]</a></li>
     170<hr />