Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Other/Summer/2022/Hardware

May 23, 2022, 11:43:49 PM (2 years ago)


  • Other/Summer/2022/Hardware

    v1 v1  
     1[[TOC(Other/Summer/2022/Hardware/*, depth=1, heading=Mini Smart Car Hardware Design)]]
     3= Miniature Smart Car Hardware Design =
     4**WINLAB Summer Internship 2022**
     6**Group Members:** Brandon Cheng, Michael Mogilevsky, Aamay Puntambekar
     8== Project Objective ==
     10Design and prototype an approximately 1/15 scale smart car platform to be used for experiments in the orbit smart city environment. This project will involve:
     11* 3d modeling for the car chassis
     12* Prototyping the electrical systems with the eventual goal of designing a printed circuit board
     13* Programming microcontrollers to work with sensors
     15This project focuses on creating a platform that can be used for repeatable experiments. Beyond just the construction of the car, the first priority is to create a robust system with sensors to allow for precise calibration.
     16The finished platform will have rear-wheel drive and use a servo for Ackermann steering, which is the type of steering found in cars. Generation of control signals for the motor controller and servo will be performed by a microcontroller such as an arduino. The microcontroller will also be used to ingest data from any sensors on the car such as an inertial measurement unit (IMU) or encoders used for speed sensing. The car will carry an Intel realsense depth camera and UP board (x86 platform with raspberry pi form factor).