Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Internal/newTraceGenExtension

Jun 6, 2017, 5:38:37 PM (8 years ago)


  • Internal/newTraceGenExtension

    v1 v1  
     1[[TOC(Software/eAM*, depth=2, heading=Aggregate Managers)]]
     3== METIS II 5G Visualization - Trace Extension ==
     5=== Addding the Trace Extension code to METIS II 5G Visualization source ===
     7 The following documentation gives an overview of the changes that have to be made to the original METIS II simulator for it to have the ability to generate pairwise attenuation traces for selected objects in the simulator.
     9 1.     Adding an empty object to the scene:
     10  a.    Under the Hierarchy tab, select the ‘Stage’ object, right click on it and choose ‘Create Empty’.
     11  b.    Rename it to Tracker and under the Inspector tab of Unity, click Add Component button.
     12  c.    Select Scripts and add the [attachment:foo TrackObject_Test.cs] file
     13  d.    Alternatively, add a new script and paste the code from Track Object_Test.cs after renaming the class Track Object_Test to whatever name was given to the script.
     15 2.     Adding tags to !GameObjects:
     16  a.    Under the project tab, search for the object Antenna5G_01
     17  b.    In the inspector tab, click on the Tag dropdown and choose ‘Add Tag..’.
     18  c.    In the Tags and Layers window, inside the Inspector tab, click on ‘+’ and add the tag “Antenna”.
     19  d.    Now, select Antenna5G_01 from the Project tab and the tag ‘Antenna’ should be available. Click on Antenna to add that tag to the !GameObject.
     20  e.    Repeat the same steps for the following objects
     21   i.   Person, !StaticPerson – Pedestrian
     22   ii.  !MadridGrid, MadridGridRectangle8, MadridGridRectangle10, !MadridGridSquare – Building
     23   iii. Sensor – Sensor
     24   iv.  lamp-single-ap-002 – Lightpole
     25   v.   CarSedan01 – Car
     26   vi.  Bus – Bus
     28 3.     Adding Collider to !GameObjects:
     29  a.    For getting a list of the objects the ray hits between the source and the destination object, it is necessary to add Box Colliders to each of the objects that the ray might pass through.
     30  b.    For the models !MadridGrid, MadridGridRectangle8, MadridGridRectangle10, Person, !StaticPerson and Sensor, add Box Collider components
     31  c.    For adding it, select the model from the Project tab and in the Inspector tab, select !AddComponent -> Physics -> Box Collider.
     33 4.     Generating a build:
     34  a.    Once all of the above has been done, generate a build by selecting File -> Build Settings
     35  b.    Choose the Target Platform, Architecture and hit Build.
     36  c.    Make sure that the config file “config.xml” is located in the running directory. In its absence, the simulator runs normally.