
Version 1 (modified by dmeyer@…, 13 years ago) ( diff )

Teltonika UM62x1

Teltonika UM62x1

How To's


Device will look like a cdrom


If you install usb-modeswitch and usb-modeswitch-data then it will appear as a network interface and not USB storage by default, and you won't need to "eject" the device.

Can use:

wget --http-user admin --http-password admin -qO -[command]

See data collection below for how to find a list of commands.

Embedded Linux

Verified working with Openwrt on Routerstation Pro.

TODO Complete kernel module list. Kernel has to be compiled with cdc_ether, scsi cdrom

If using Openwrt, compile busybox with eject command or dmesg to find out what the device shows up as:

opkg update
opkg install sdparm
sdparm --command=eject /dev/sg?  

Then use the above Linux tutorial.


Verified working in Windows 7 64-bit

Did not test without installing Teltonika software

Install software when prompted to.

Mac OS

Verified working under Lion



After the device is set up, the USB device will appear as a wired Ethernet device with the, dhcp release, IP address of 192.168.0.x.

  1. Favorite browser =⇒
    1. To login, press ctrl+shift and click on the Teltonika logo on the top of the web page. The default username for the administrative interface that we will be using is:
    Username: admin
    Password: EifAFKt8
  1. Configure Wimax
    1. Click on WiMAX tab
    2. Click on Channels sub-tab
    3. Add your base station(s) information
  2. Verify connectivity

Note that your settings are stored on the device, so this will only have to be done once for each device.


  1. telnet 700
    1. Notice that above the port is 700
    Username: admin
    Password: admin01
  1. To make change to files (At your own risk of making a paper weight):
    1. mount -o,remount,rw /

Data collection & Misc

One tab I would like to point out is the CLI (command line interface) that you can run several commands to collect all kinds of information. A list of commands can be viewed with the help command. There is also more options that you can get by typing in 'setuser su' and then type help.

Output of help command (as Normal user):

    CMD   help                   Get help on commands
    RFC   resetRfcSdcDbgStats    reset rfcSdc dbg stats
    CBE   showMacUl              Show the MAC uplink configuration
    CBE   showMacDl              Show the MAC downlink configuration
    CBE   showMacFrame           Show the MAC frame configuration
    CBE   showMacStatsRx         Show MAC message reception statistics
    CBE   showSsCaps             Show negotiated capabilities of an SS
    CBE   showCaps               Show global capabilities
    CBE   setCaps                Set global capabilities
    CBE   setHarqCategory        Changes the *declared* HARQ category.
    CBE   loadCalibrationFromHost   Load calibration file from host
    CBE   showSf                 Show SF information
    CBE   createSf               Declare a SF in the local SFD
    CBE   changeSf               Change a SF in the local SFD
    CBE   deleteSf               Delete a SF in the local SFD
    CBE   setSfEnable            Enable/disable a SF in the local SFD
    CBE   showPhsSf              Show PHS rules for Sf creation
    CBE   createPhsSf            Create/change PHS rules for Sf creation
    CBE   deletePhsSf            Delete PHS rules for Sf creation
    CBE   setMii                 Set MII link configuration
    CBE   showMii                Show the MII configuration
    CBE   showTime               Show the current time
    CBE   filterLog              filter logging. Syntax is '(+/-)MOD[/SUB]'. '*' is supported at the end.
    CBE   enableLog              Enable logging. Syntax is 'MOD[/SUB]'.
    CBE   disableLog             Disable logging. Syntax is 'MOD[/SUB]'.
    CBE   showLog                show logging state. Syntax is 'MOD[/SUB]'. '*' is supported
    CBE   suppressLogWarnings    Enable/Disable warnings from disabled logs
    CBE   enableSniffer          enable packet sniffing
    CBE   setSnifferVerbose      set verbose level for the packet dumping
    CBE   setSnifferParams       set the sniffer parameters
    CBE   disableSniffer         disable packet sniffing
    CBE   showSniffer            show sniffer state and filters
    CBE   clearSnifferFilters    clear all sniffer filters
    CBE   createSnifferFilter    create a new sniffer filter
    CBE   deleteSnifferFilter    remove the specified filter from the sniffer
    CBE   showMacAddress         Show the mac address
    CBE   setFatalErrorMode      Set value of fatal error mode
    CBE   showFatalErrorMode     Show value of fatal error mode
    CBE   showPkmCs              Show pkm settings related to crypto suites
    CBE   setPkmCs               Set pkm settings related to crypto suites
    CBE   showNeighborBs         Display a neighbor BS descriptor from the handover database
    CBE   showPsc                Show the Power Saving Classes information
    CBE   createPsc              Declare a PSC in the local PSCD
    CBE   changeSleepId          Modify a PSC config
    CBE   modifyPsc              Modify a PSC config
    CBE   deletePsc              Delete a PSC from the PSC database
    CBE   activatePsc            Activate a PSC
    CBE   deactivatePsc          Deactivate a PSC
    CBES  setQosRedUlDefaultProfile   Configure the uplink RED drop profile for Sf without max latency
    CBES  setQosRedUlMaxLatencyProfile   Configure the uplink RED drop profile for Sf with non null max latency
    CBES  setQosRedUlDefault     Configure congestion control in uplink for Sf without max latency
    CBES  showQosUl              Show Ul Qos configuration
    CBES  showSsPhyStatsDl       display the downlink physical statistics
    CBES  startSs                start the 802.16 MAC
    CBES  stopSs                 stop the 802.16 MAC
    CBES  resetSs                stop and restart the 802.16 MAC
    CBES  showSs                 Show SS information
    CBES  performHandover        Jump to a neighbor BS (small cell jump)
    CBES  requestPowerModeChange   Request power control mode change
    CBES  setTxPower             Set TX power to specified value
    CBES  setMaxTxPower          set Max Tx Power
    CBES  showSsAuth             Show SS Authorization
    CBES  resetSsAuth            reset SS Authorization
    CBES  showSa                 Show Security Association
    CBES  showRfRx               Show the radio frequency receiver configuration
    CBES  showRfTx               Show the radio frequency transmitter configuration
    CBES  showRfConfig           Show radio frequency configuration
    CBES  showLinkAdaptationDl   Show the downlink adaptation configuration
    CBES  setLinkAdaptationDl    Configures the downlink adaptation
    CBES  showPhyStatsRx         Show the downlink physical stats
    CBES  setRfTx                Set radio frequency / base band parameters for TX
    CBES  showPacketFlow         Show the packet flow statistics
    CBES  resetPacketFlow        Reset the packet flow statistics
    CBES  showVersion            Show the system version
    CBES  setGpiosState          Set the state of GPIO manager
    CBES  setIdleMode            Start IDLE mode
    CBES  showProvisionedPsc     Show the provisioned Power Saving Class config
    CBES  setProvisionedPsc      Set the full provisioned Power Saving Class config
    CBES  modifyProvisionedPsc   Modify some param of the provisioned Power Saving Class config
    CBES  crashMeNow             test delivery of fatals
    CBES  sendRssiToHost         test delivery of rssi level changes notifications to host via THP
    CBES  enableSendingRssiToHost   test enable the sending of RSSI range
    CBES  setDebugAsicOutput     Configure the ASIC debug output signals
    CBES  setScanning            Configure periodic scanning
    CBES  showScanning           Display periodic scanning parameters
    CBES  setHandover            Configure handover trigger
    CBES  showHandover           Display handover trigger parameters
    CBES  showNeighborBsStat     Diplay statistics of neighbor BS
    CBES  setIotMode             set IOT mode
    CBES  showIotMode            show the current IOT mode
    CBES  enableMrctMs11         Enable MRCT MS-11.1 MS-11.2 compliance
    CBES  enableMrctMs05         Enable MRCT MS-05.1 MS-05.2 compliance
    CBES  setDeviceMode          set DEVICE mode
    CBES  showDeviceMode         show the current DEVICE mode
    CBES  addChannelToScanner    Add a new channel to the scanning list
    CBES  showScanner            Show the the scanning list
    CBES  removeChannelFromScanner   Remove a channel from the scanning list
    CBES  clearScannerChannels   Reset all scanner entries
    CBES  showHomeNsp            Display the current home NSP
    CBES  setHomeNsp             Set the home NSP with on NSP ID
    CBES  showProvisionedNAPs    Show the list of authorized and forbidden NAPs (CAPL)
    CBES  addProvisionedNAP      Add a provisioned Nap
    CBES  removeProvisionedNAP   Remove a provisioned Nap
    CBES  clearProvisionedNAPs   Clear the list of provisioned NAPs
    CBES  showProvisionedNSPs    Show the list of authorized and forbidden NSPs
    CBES  addProvisionedNSP      Add a provisioned NSP
    CBES  removeProvisionedNSP   Remove a provisioned NSP
    CBES  clearProvisionedNSPs   Clear the list of provisioned NSPs
    CBES  showNdssConfig         Show NDSS parameters.
    CBES  setNdssConfig          Set NDSS parameters.
    CBES  showDurationTimeout    Show scan duration timeout.
    CBES  setDurationTimeout     Set scan duration timeout.
    CBES  showHoldingTimeout     Show scan holding timeout.
    CBES  setHoldingTimeout      Set scan holding timeout.
    CBES  forceScanning          Forces scanning when NDSS is in Zzz mode
    CBES  connect                Forces connection to BS
    CBES  showPlatform           Show the configuration of the platform
    CBES  setWatchDog            Enable or Disable  watchdog
    CBES  showWatchDog           Show watchdog status
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.