
Version 1 (modified by akoshibe, 12 years ago) ( diff )

OpenFlow Miscellany

This page documents various odds-and-ends regarding OpenFlow and related platforms, tools, and whatnot.

  • Using xterm with mininet hosts. You can background then by doing:
    mininet> h1 xterm &
    this allows you to spawn a terminal for a switch, from which you can, say, sniff packets using wireshark.
  • A good way to track packets and transactions between datapath and controller is via buffer Id for switch-initiated conversations, and by XID for controller-initiated transactions. A caveat is that the buffer ID is only applicable to a subset of messages e.g. PacketIns and PacketOuts. A -1 buffer ID indicates a controller-generated packet (e.g. by a flow pushing tool or via a REST API for static flows).
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