Changes between Version 6 and Version 7 of HowTo/virtualMobilitySS

Feb 7, 2007, 11:44:50 PM (18 years ago)


  • HowTo/virtualMobilitySS

    v6 v7  
    55== For Experimenters ==
    66=== The setup ===
     7 * Download and untar the attached file in your home directory.
     9$ tar -xvzf vmss.tar.gz
     11A list of files should look similar to below.
     13$ cd ~/vmss
     14$ ls -ltr
     15-rw------- 1 sanjit user 9105 May 18  2005
     16-rw-r--r-- 1 sanjit user    0 May 18  2005 conflicts.txt
     17-rwxr-xr-x 1 sanjit user  818 May 18  2005 CreateMobilitySetup
     18-rw-r--r-- 1 sanjit user  908 Dec  3  2005
     19-rwxr-xr-x 1 sanjit user  295 Dec  3  2005
     20-rw-r--r-- 1 sanjit user   16 Jun  7  2006 listofvms.txt
     21-rw-r--r-- 1 sanjit user   20 Jun  7  2006 VM2.txt
     22-rwxr-xr-x 1 sanjit user  174 Jun  7  2006
     23-rwxr-xr-x 1 sanjit user  506 Jun  7  2006
     24-rw-r--r-- 1 sanjit user  141 Jun  7  2006 VM1.txt
     25-rwxr-xr-x 1 sanjit user   93 Jun  9  2006
     26drwxr-xr-x 2 sanjit user 4096 Feb  6 23:38 database
     27drwxr-xr-x 2 sanjit user 4096 Feb  6 23:56 EthernetAddresses
     28-rw-r--r-- 1 sanjit user    0 Feb  7 18:39 dump
    831=== Running an experiment ===
    1033   For the purpose of illustration let us assume that we want to emulate two mobile nodes on the grid. Each mobile node has to be associated with a VM, an association that will stay throughout the experiment. Select nodes [3,6] and [5,6] on the grid. The corresponding entries in the file '''listofvms.txt''' are shown below.
     35$ cat listofvms.txt
    34580 node4-7
    36  * Run "CreateMobilitySetup"
    37  * Run
    38  * Run
     60In the example mobile node corresponding to VM1 is mapped to nodes [4,1], [4,3], [4,5] at intervals of 5 seconds. The mapping is repeated and the total experiment time is 60 sec after which the mobile node is fixed to node [4,1] on the grid.
     61The mobile node corresponding to VM2 is mapped to node [4,7] on the grid. The mapping doesn't change.  ''The repeated entry is a adhoc fix. Whenever a VM<no>.txt contains just one entry, the entry must be repeated twice.''
     62The experimenter needs to ''ensure that at no time more than one mobile node'' be mapped to a grid node.
     63Only atheros grid nodes are supported.
     64 * Run the script CreateMobilitySetup once you have populated the files listofvms.txt and VM<no>.txt(s).
     66$ CreateMobilitySetup
     68Click files/scripts are generated in the EthernetAddresses directory. A click file/script is generated for each VM. Also a click file is generated for each grid node which is mapped to a mobile node at a certain time during the experiment. Files corresponding to VMs are of the name mob_server_src_generated_VM<no>.click. Those corresponding to mapped nodes on the grid are of the name mob_node_src_generated_Node_<x>_<y>.click where [x,y] is the grid co-ordinate of the node mapped. The list of files generated for our experiment are listed below.
     70$ cd EthernetAddresses
     71$ ls *.click 
     79 * Image all grid nodes (VM nodes and the nodes mapped to mobile nodes) with the image click-2.4.26-20051204.ndz.
     80 * Upload the click files onto the grid nodes they correspond. The file '''''' contains sample commands for the example experiment.
     81 * For each node install the click script. On nodes specified in the VM<no>.txt(s) it is important that the ath0 interface is up.
     83$ ssh root@nodex-y
     84$ click-install mob*.click
     86 * The installation of the click script marks the beginning of experiment on the node.
    4087== For Developers ==