Changes between Version 4 and Version 5 of Hardware/hNodes/cNodeVer3/dAssembly/cBios/USBBoot

Jun 18, 2013, 11:23:02 PM (12 years ago)


  • Hardware/hNodes/cNodeVer3/dAssembly/cBios/USBBoot

    v4 v5  
    55You will need:
    66 1. Bios Image (Board Specfic)
    7  1. Bios Write Tool (Board Sepcfic)
    8  1. HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool (Running on a Windows box, Win7 in my example)
    9  1. DOS compatible boot files (Free DOS in this case, Unpacked from the FDOEM.144 Image)
     7 1. Rufus Utility, downloadable [ here]
    119'''NOTE:''' The tools and bios files for the LV-67X line are located on the archive(Windows share: \\archive2\pub\Archive\PC\Bios)
    1311To Create the USB Flash Disk:
    14  1. Install the HP utility
    15  1. Insert USB flash DISK
    16  1. Start Utility as Admin
    17  1. In the Utility Set:
    18   1. Device to you Flash Disk
    19   1. File System to FAT
    20   1. Volume label to some Meaningful name
    21   1. Check Quick Format
    22   1. Check Create A DOS startup disk
    23   1. Specfiy the directory for the DOS files and point it to the location of the Free DOS boot files[[BR]]
    24      [[Image(HPUtility.jpg)]]
    25  1. Hit Start
    26  1. Once the utility completes (should be quick), Broswe to the newly formatted disk and drag your Bios specific Files onto that disk.
     12 1. Run the Rufus utility
     13    [[Image(Rufus.png)]]
     14 1. Choose options to make the usbflash disk freedos bootable
     15 1. Once complete remount the flash disk and copy the folders containing the update utilities for the motherboards you need to update
    2818This disk should now be capable of Flashing your bios.
    5343Once the formatting is done copy the utility to flash your rom and the image to flash it with on to the USB stick.[[BR]]
    5444On LV678 the BIOS saw USB stick as a hard drive and I raised its priority ahead of the SATA disk and the machine booted into the DOS environment.