108 | | Yes. Each of the radio nodes is independently power controlled by the chasis manager. If your node hangs, or is otherwise unresponsive, you can reboot it. |
| 108 | Yes. Each of the radio nodes is independently power controlled by the chasis manager. If your node hangs, or is otherwise unresponsive, you can reboot it. From the console machine, wget -0 - http://repository:5012/cmc/ and use the XML interface to modify the state of your node. |
| 109 | |
| 110 | For example |
| 111 | {{{ |
| 112 | user@console:~$ --14:21:16-- http://repository2:5012/cmc |
| 113 | => `-' |
| 114 | Resolving repository2... |
| 115 | Connecting to repository2||:5012... connected. |
| 116 | HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK |
| 117 | Length: 1,318 (1.3K) [text/xml] |
| 118 | |
| 119 | 0% [ ] 0 --.--K/s |
| 120 | <?xml version='1.0'?> |
| 121 | <serviceGroup name="cmc"> |
| 122 | <info>Controls nodes through their attached CMs</info> |
| 123 | <service name="on"> |
| 124 | <info>Switch on a node at a specific coordinate</info> |
| 125 | <args><arg name="x" value="x_coord"/></args> |
| 126 | <args><arg name="y" value="y_coord"/></args> |
| 127 | </service> |
| 128 | <service name="off"> |
| 129 | <info>Switch off a node at a specific coordinate</info> |
| 130 | <args><arg name="x" value="x_coord"/></args> |
| 131 | <args><arg name="y" value="y_coord"/></args> |
| 132 | </service> |
| 133 | <service name="allOff"> |
| 134 | <info>Switch all nodes off</info> |
| 135 | </service> |
| 136 | <service name="reset"> |
| 137 | <info>Reset a node at a specific coordinate</info> |
| 138 | <args><arg name="x" value="x_coord"/></args> |
| 139 | <args><arg name="y" value="y_coord"/></args> |
| 140 | </service> |
| 141 | <service name="nodeStatus"> |
| 142 | <info>Return the status of a node at a specific coordinate</info> |
| 143 | <args><arg name="x" value="x_coord"/></args> |
| 144 | <args><arg name="y" value="y_coord"/></args> |
| 145 | </service> |
| 146 | <service name="status"> |
| 147 | <info>Returns the settings of this service</info> |
| 148 | </service> |
| 149 | </serviceGroup> |
| 150 | |
| 151 | user@console:~$ wget -O - "http://repository2:5012/cmc/reset?x=1&y=1" |
| 152 | --14:21:52-- http://repository2:5012/cmc/reset?x=1&y=1 |
| 153 | => `-' |
| 154 | Resolving repository2... |
| 155 | Connecting to repository2||:5012... connected. |
| 156 | HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK |
| 157 | |
| 158 | }}} |