1 | defApplication('ifconfig', 'ifconfig') {|a|
2 | a.name = "ifconfig"
3 | a.version(0, 0, 1)
4 | a.path = "/sbin/ifconfig"
5 | a.defProperty('args', "Arguments for ifconfig command", nil, {:order => 1, :dynamic => false, :type => :string, :use_name => false})
6 | }
7 |
8 | defApplication('dhclient', 'dhclient') {|a|
9 | a.name = "dhclient"
10 | a.version(0, 0, 1)
11 | a.path = "/sbin/dhclient -q"
12 | a.defProperty('interface', "DHCP client interface name", nil, {:order => 1, :dynamic => false, :type => :string, :use_name => false})
13 | }
14 |
15 | defApplication('wimaxcu', 'wimaxcu') {|a|
16 | a.name = "wimaxcu"
17 | a.version(0, 0, 1)
18 | a.path = "/usr/bin/wimaxcu"
19 | a.defProperty('args', "Arguments for wimaxcu command", nil, {:order => 1, :dynamic => false, :type => :string, :use_name => false})
20 | }
21 |
22 | defApplication('pingtest_app', 'pingtest') do |a|
23 | a.path = "/usr/bin/pingtest.rb"
24 | a.version(0, 0, 1)
25 | a.shortDescription = "Wrapper around Ping -c"
26 | a.description = <<TEXT
27 | This is a wrapper around the ping command.
28 | This application is using OML4R part of OML v2.3 or v2.4
29 | TEXT
30 | a.defProperty('ip', 'Ip address to ping', 'i',
31 | {:type => :string, :dynamic => false})
32 |
33 | # List the Measurement Points and associated metrics that are available
34 | # for this application
35 | #
36 | a.defMeasurement('pingtest') do |m|
37 | m.defMetric('ip',:string)
38 | m.defMetric('time',:string)
39 | m.defMetric('x',:string)
40 | m.defMetric('y',:string)
41 | end
42 | end
43 |
44 | defGroup('tester', [1,1]) do |node|
45 | node.addApplication('wimaxcu') { |app|
46 | app.setProperty('args','connect network 51')
47 | }
48 | node.addApplication('dhclient') { |app|
49 | app.setProperty('interface',"wmx0")
50 | }
51 | node.addApplication("pingtest_app") { |a|
52 | a.setProperty('ip',"")
53 | a.measure('pingtest')
54 | }
55 | end
56 |
57 | whenAllInstalled() {|node|
58 | info "Give machines some time to warm up"
59 | wait 10
60 | allGroups.startApplications
61 | info "Colect measurements for 100 seconds"
62 | wait 100
63 | info "Finish it."
64 | Experiment.done
65 | }