1 | #!/usr/bin/ruby1.8 -w
2 |
3 | ###
4 | # lb9a.rb
5 | # libraries that behave as a "wrapper" to XorPlus on the LB9A (Quanta) switch.
6 | # 8/28/11 - added dry-run capability
7 | # 8/29/11 - string/array processing functions as class extensions; some cleanup of Session class
8 | ###
9 |
10 | require 'net/telnet'
11 | require 'singleton'
12 | require 'logger'
13 |
14 | LOG = Logger.new(STDOUT)
15 |
16 | $portrng = (1..48) #48 GBe ports on switch
17 | $vlanrng = (1..1024) #up to 1024 VLAN IDs per switch
18 |
19 |
20 | # Deals with telnet session/CLI interactions
21 | class Session
22 |
23 | attr_reader :hname, :port, :dbg
24 |
25 | def initialize(hostname, port = 23, debug = false, dryrun = false)
26 | @hname = hostname
27 | @port = port
28 | @dbg = debug #verbose mode
29 | @drun = dryrun #do not actually send command via serial
30 | end
31 |
32 | # init - initialize telnet session
33 | def init()
34 | begin
35 | if @dbg then LOG.level = Logger::DEBUG else LOG.level = Logger::INFO end
36 | unless @drun
37 | @conn = Net::Telnet::new( "Host" => @hname, "Port" => @port )
38 | @conn.cmd("configure") #enter config mode
39 | LOG.debug("Session.init: initializing telnet session")
40 | else
41 | @conn = nil
42 | LOG.debug("Session.init: initializing dry-run")
43 | end
44 | rescue Exception => e
45 | LOG.fatal("Session.init: #{e.class}, #{e.message}")
46 | raise
47 | end
48 | end
49 |
50 | private
51 | # rncmd - send command for each port in iflist, replacing '##' in command with proper port number
52 | # cannot take commands with a scrolling output buffer (To-do)
53 | def rncmd(command, iflist)
54 | begin
55 | LOG.debug("Session.range_cmd: command: #{command}")
56 | LOG.debug("Session.range_cmd: iflist: #{iflist}")
57 | iflist.map do |iface|
58 | out = command.gsub(/##/, iface.to_s)
59 | unless @drun then ret = @conn.cmd(out) else puts "#{out}" end
60 | LOG.debug("Session.range_cmd: command: #{out}")
61 | LOG.debug("Session.range_cmd: return: #{ret}")
62 | end
63 | rescue Exception => e
64 | LOG.fatal("Session.rncmd: #{e.class} #{e.message}")
65 | raise
66 | end
67 | end
68 |
69 | public
70 | # set_iface - sets management interface address
71 | def set_iface(iface, addr, del = false)
72 | begin
73 | if del then dflg = "delete " else dflg = "set " end
74 | if (iface.match(/eth(0|1)/))&&(addr.match(/\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+\/\d+/))
75 | out = "#{dflg}interface management-ethernet #{iface} address #{addr}"
76 | unless @drun
77 | @conn.cmd(out) do |ret|
78 | LOG.debug("Session.set_iface: return: #{ret}")
79 | end
80 | else
81 | puts "#{out}"
82 | end
83 | return true
84 | else
85 | puts "\tiface [eth0|eth1] [IP addr/mask]"
86 | return false
87 | end
88 | rescue Exception => e
89 | LOG.fatal("Session.set_iface: #{e.class} #{e.message}")
90 | raise
91 | end
92 | end
93 |
94 | # set_vlan - sets up a new VLAN
95 | # To-do : add multiple VLAN delete facility
96 | def set_vlan(id, del = false)
97 | begin
98 | if del then dflg = "delete " else dflg = "set " end
99 | if ($vlanrng.member? id)
100 | out = "#{dflg}vlans vlan-id #{id}"
101 | unless @drun
102 | @conn.cmd(out) do |ret|
103 | LOG.debug("Session.set_vlan: return: #{ret}")
104 | end
105 | else
106 | puts "#{out}"
107 | end
108 | return true
109 | else
110 | puts "\tvlan [VLAN ID]"
111 | puts "\tVLAN ID must be value between [1..1024]"
112 | return false
113 | end
114 | rescue Exception => e
115 | LOG.fatal("Session.set_vlan: #{e.class} #{e.message}")
116 | raise
117 | end
118 | end
119 |
120 | # set_ports - configurations of various port properties
121 | def set_ports(ctxt, iflist)
122 | @vlans = []
123 | @tflag = false
124 | @cmd = ' '
125 |
126 | args = ctxt.split(' ') # args - array containing components of command
127 | LOG.debug("Session.set_ports: args: #{args[0]},#{args[1]}")
128 |
129 | # assign the proper command to @cmd based on input
130 | case args[0]
131 | when "delete"
132 | @cmd = "delete interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/## family ethernet-switching"
133 | when "vlan"
134 | if ($vlanrng.member? args[1].to_i)
135 | @cmd = "set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/## family ethernet-switching native-vlan-id #{args[1]}"
136 | else
137 | puts "\tVLAN ID must be value between [1..1024]"
138 | end
139 | when "mode"
140 | if args[1] == "access"
141 | @cmd = "set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/## family ethernet-switching port-mode access"
142 | elsif args[1] == "trunk"
143 | @tflag = true
144 | print "Member VLANs (X,Y,Z...): "
145 | @vlans = gets.chomp.split(',')
146 |
147 | LOG.debug("Session.set_ports: vlans #{@vlans.class}: #{@vlans}")
148 | @cmd = "set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/## family ethernet-switching port-mode trunk"
149 | else
150 | puts "\t#{args[1]}: Unknown port mode"
151 | end
152 | else
153 | puts "\t#{ctxt}: Unknown command"
154 | end
155 | LOG.debug("Session.set_ports: @cmd: #{@cmd}")
156 |
157 | # invoke rncmd with proper command
158 | if @tflag
159 | for i in @vlans
160 | rncmd("set interface gigabit-ethernet ge-1/1/## family ethernet-switching vlan members #{i}",iflist)
161 | end
162 | end
163 |
164 | unless @cmd.empty?
165 | rncmd(@cmd, iflist)
166 | return true
167 | else
168 | return false
169 | end
170 | end
171 |
172 | # commit - saves configurations
173 | def commit()
174 | puts "saving settings (this may take a while)..."
175 | unless @drun then @conn.cmd("commit") else puts "commit" end
176 | sleep 5
177 | unless @drun then @conn.cmd("save running-to-startup") else puts "save running-to-startup" end
178 | end
179 |
180 | # logoff - close connection after exiting enabled mode
181 | def logoff(saved)
182 | begin
183 | unless @drun
184 | unless saved then @conn.cmd("exit discard") end
185 | @conn.cmd("exit")
186 | @conn.close
187 | else
188 | puts "exit"
189 | end
190 | rescue Exception => e
191 | LOG.fatal("Session.logoff: #{e.class} #{e.message}")
192 | raise
193 | end
194 | end
195 |
196 | end
197 |
198 | # to_rng - flattens nested arrays with ranges e.g. [3..5,20,[13..15]] -> [3,4,5,20,13,14,15]
199 | class Array
200 | def to_rng()
201 | self.map do |x|
202 | if x.is_a? Range
203 | x.to_a
204 | elsif x.is_a? Fixnum
205 | x
206 | elsif x.is_a? Array
207 | x.to_rng
208 | else
209 | raise "Array.to_rng:#{x}:not Fixnum or Range"
210 | end
211 | end.flatten
212 | end
213 | end
214 |
215 | # to_ra - convers string of numbers and rangesto array with Range and Fixnum objects e.g. "1..3,5" -> [1..3,5]
216 | class String
217 | def to_ra()
218 | self.split(',').map do |x|
219 | if x.length <= 2
220 | Integer(x)
221 | elsif x.include? ".."
222 | ends = x.split("..").map{|i| Integer(i)}
223 | x = ends[0]..ends[1]
224 | else
225 | raise "Sring.to_ra:#{x}:Invalid range string format"
226 | end
227 | end
228 | end
229 | end
230 |
231 | =begin
232 | # the set_* family of commands without subcontexts follow this pattern...
233 | # If functions can be used as input, this is a legitimate template.
234 | def set_ptype(name, matchstr, cmd, syntax)
235 | begin
236 | if (matchstr)
237 | out = cmd
238 | unless @drun
239 | @conn.cmd(out) do |ret|
240 | LOG.debug("Session.#{name}: return: #{ret}")
241 | end
242 | else
243 | puts "#{out}"
244 | end
245 | else
246 | puts "#{syntax}"
247 | end
248 | rescue Exception => e
249 | LOG.fatal("Session.set_iface: #{e.class} #{e.message}")
250 | raise
251 | end
252 | end
253 | =end