== !AmariSoft LTE == [[Include(Documentation/Short/Prereq)]] The image used for this experiment is 'baseline.ndz'. In this tutorial we will use nodes equipped with Netgear AC341u LTE dongles. The basestation is Amarisoft running on Bsc03out. During a normal experiment using OMF, the following actions are scripted and automated. This is a look at the steps involved in something as simple as starting an LTE connection behind the scenes. You will run the following commands on node7-1.grid.orbit-lab.org After connecting to the grid console: 1. {{{ omf load -i baseline.ndz -t node7-1.grid.orbit-lab.org }}} 1. {{{ omf tell -a on -t node7-1.grid.orbit-lab.org }}} 1. It will take roughly 60 seconds to come up. 1. {{{ ssh root@node7-1.grid.orbit-lab.org }}} By Default Orbit nodes do not configure any wireless devices. The following 2 are the drivers for the Sierra wireless Netgear LTE dongle [[BR]] 1. {{{ modprobe GobiSerial }}} 1. {{{ modprobe GobiNet }}} 1. {{{ minicom -D /dev/ttyUSB1 }}} 1. {{{ AT!ippassthrough? }}} 1. It should return 1 1. If it does not, run {{{ AT!ippassthrough=1 }}} then {{{ AT!reset }}} 1. {{{ AT!entercnd="A710" }}} 1. You should see {{{ OK }}} 1. {{{ AT!dxcfg=wwan,connect,11 }}} 1. You should see {{{ OK }}} then {{{ $QCRMCALL: 1, V4 }}} 1. {{{ at!gstatus? }}} 1. Will return a status like: {{{ at!gstatus? !GSTATUS: Current Time: 10049 Temperature: 42 Bootup Time: 0 Mode: ONLINE System mode: LTE PS state: Attached LTE band: B25 LTE bw: 10 MHz LTE Rx chan: 8365 LTE Tx chan: 26365 EMM state: Registered Normal Service RRC state: RRC Connected IMS reg state: No Srv RSSI (dBm): -83 Tx Power: 0 RSRP (dBm): -117 TAC: 0001 (1) RSRQ (dB): -10 Cell ID: 01A2D001 (27447297) SINR (dB): 1.6 }}} 1. Exit Minicom by **PRESSING** {{{ Ctrl+A followed by x}}}, then {{{enter}}} to select ok. 1. {{{ dhcpcd eth2 }}} followed by {{{enter}}} to get a new line. 1. You should get an address in the subnet. 1. {{{ ping }}} 1. You have successfully communicated with the basestation. 1. You can cancel the ping with {{{Ctrl+C}}} 1. {{{iperf -c }}} 1. This will report your bandwidth to the basestation.