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Presentations and Posters

}}} [#P01 Machine Learning for Traffic Behavior Analysis in Smart Cities][[BR]] [#P02 Augmented Reality Visualization of Proteins][[BR]] [#P03 ORBIT Emulation and Machine Learning for Enabling 5G and Satellite Network Coexistence in FR3 Spectrum][[BR]] [#P04 5G Edge Cloud Application][[BR]] [#P05 Developing an LLM-Based System Architecture for Semantic Understanding in Smart Spaces][[BR]] [#P06 Real-time, Robust and Reliable (R^3) Machine Learning Over Wireless Networks][[BR]] [#P07 Remotely Piloted Vehicles][[BR]] [#P08 AI for Behavioral Discovery][[BR]] [#P09 Privacy Leakage Study and Protection for Virtual Reality Devices][[BR]] [#P10 Multistatic RFID Interrogation & Localization with COSMOS/ORBIT][[BR]] [#P11 AR Mural][[BR]] [#P12 Plant Doctor/Magic Room][[BR]] [#P13 Self-Driving Vehicular Project][[BR]] [#P14 Virtual Reality Visualization for Underwater UAVs][[BR]] [#P15 Data Center Infrastructure Management][[BR]] [#P16 Programmable Metamaterial Antenna for Physical Layer Security][[BR]] [#P17 mmWave Channel Analysis Campaign][[BR]] [#P18 Breadboard Computer][[BR]] [#P19 Low Probability Detection of Signals][[BR]] [#P20 Signal Avoidance using 5G][[BR]] [#P21 INDIGO (Intelligent Networks Designed and Integrated for Globalized Operations)][[BR]] [#P22 140 GHz & 28 GHz mmWave Measurements for Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC)][[BR]] [[NewsFlashEnd]] The 2024 WINLAB Summer Internship Open House was held on Wednesday, August 7th, 2024, providing a platform for students to showcase the outcomes of their hard work over the past 10 weeks. This year, 70 students participated, including 4 graduate students, 41 undergraduates, and 25 high school students. Their diverse projects highlighted the program’s broad impact and reach. The event encouraged meaningful discussions and exchanges of ideas. ||[[Image(I04.jpg, width=300)]]||[[Image(I01.jpg, width=300)]]||[[Image(I02.jpg, width=300)]]||[[Image(I03.jpg, width=300)]]|| The success of the program was made possible by the generous support of the [https://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/ NSF REU] program and a donation from [https://www.nverses.com/home nVerses Capital], [https://www.verizon.com Verizon], [https://about.att.com/ AT&T] and [https://www.rutgers.edu Rutgers]. Their contributions played a crucial role in empowering these young minds to explore, innovate, and develop valuable skills. [[BR]] ||||= '''Poster''' =||= '''Project Presentation''' =|| |||||||| [=#P01 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/MLTBA Machine Learning for Traffic Behavior Analysis in Smart Cities] [[BR]] Haejin Song^UG^, Dominic Catena^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P01.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P01.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S01.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S01.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/_MqzouyGbCI Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P02 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/aRvR Augmented Reality Visualization of Proteins] [[BR]] Alexander Kim^UG^, Samhitha Sangaraju^UG^, Vir Vaidya^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P02.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P02.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S02.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S02.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/PPAkyK-Sf_I Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P03 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/ml5G ORBIT Emulation and Machine Learning for Enabling 5G and Satellite Network Coexistence in FR3 Spectrum] [[BR]] Christos Anastasios Bovolis^UG^, Aadhil Anvar^GR^, Aman Grandhi^UG^, Parth Karekar^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P03.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P03.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S03.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S03.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/umMUt0Vgmuw Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P04 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/5GEdge 5G Edge Cloud Application] [[BR]] Vineal Sunkara^UG^, Damon Lin^UG^, Ji Wu^UG^, Matthew Arigo^UG^, Steven Nguyen^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P04.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P04.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S04.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S04.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/gEkuW9G1frg Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P05 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/lLM Developing an LLM-Based System Architecture for Semantic Understanding in Smart Spaces ] [[BR]] Sathvik Samant^HS^, Johnathan Duran^HS^, Jose Rubio^HS^, Vedant Talati^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P05.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P05.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S05.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S05.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/QeA4t532e4c Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P06 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/rT Real-time, robust, and reliable (R^3) machine learning over wireless networks] [[BR]] Akshar Vedantham^UG^, Kirthana Ram^UG^, Varun Kota^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P06.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P06.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S06.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S06.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/wnluXmYw1Hs Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P07 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/rPV Remotely Piloted Vehicles] [[BR]] Daniel Mahany^HS^, Dhruv Ramaswamy^HS^, Nandini Venkatesh^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P07.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P07.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S07.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S07.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/4y40G_Nk6XI Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P08 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/aiBD AI for behavioral discovery] [[BR]] Adarsh Narayanan^UG^, Benjamin Yu^UG^, Elias Xu^HS^, Shreyas Musuku^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P08.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P08.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S08.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S08.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/EWXIZDHMtcs Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P09 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/pLS Privacy Leakage Study and Protection for Virtual Reality Devices] [[BR]] Dirk Catpo Risco^GR^, Brody Vallier^HS^, Emily Yao^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P09.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P09.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S09.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S09.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/yy9ut5SsAb4 Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P10 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/mRFID Multistatic RFID interrogation & localization with Cosmos/Orbit] [[BR]] Dimitrios Angelou^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P10.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P10.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S10.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S10.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/WZQI4hTLqrY Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P11 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/AR_Mural AR Mural] [[BR]] Jovana Lekic^UG^, Nima Fallah^UG^, Nishi Agrawal^HS^, Suhani Sengupta^HS^, Sachin Kandan^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P11a.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P11a.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S11.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S11a.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/cgDDXf9Gf3c Presentation Recording] ) || |||| [[Image(P11b.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P11b.pdf PDF]) || || |||||||| [=#P12 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/pD Plant Doctor]/[wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/mR Magic Room] [[BR]] Sam-Fone Cheung^GR^, Shriya Das^UG^, Xiang^UG^, Aly Mustafa^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P12a.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P12a.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S12.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S12.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/kxiOT2SdHkw Presentation Recording] ) || |||| [[Image(P12b.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P12b.pdf PDF]) || || |||||||| [=#P13 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/sD Self-Driving Vehicular Project] [[BR]] Aaron Cruz^UG^, Arya Shetty^UG^, Brandon Cheng^UG^, Tommy Chu^UG^, Erik Nießen^HS^, Siddarth Malhotra^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P13.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P13.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S13.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S13.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/3Mp_dLXwbl4 Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P14 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/aRvR Virtual Reality Visualization for Underwater UAVs] [[BR]] Amanda Lau^UG^, Catzby Paul^UG^, David Zhao^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P14.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P14.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S14.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S14.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/iRyBOM0wZUA Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P15 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/dCI Data Center Infrastructure Management] [[BR]] Alexander Kotelnikov^HS^, Jinun Kim^HS^, Ryan Baik^HS^, Samuel Kudrna^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P15.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P15.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S15.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S15.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/0KF-aPAZ5js Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P16 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/pMA Programmable Metamaterial Antenna for Physical Layer Security] [[BR]] Dylan Turner^UG^, Prachi Patel^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P16.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P16.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S16.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S16.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/QPUgQt6uaOc Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P17 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/wS mmWave Channel Analysis Campaign] [[BR]] Mark Moroney^UG^, John Allen Manego^UG^, Despoina Kallirroi Kosmopoulou^UG^, Prakshab Adhikari^HS^, Archisa Arora^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P17.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P17.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S17.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S17.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/gEkuW9G1frg Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P18 ] [wiki:/Other/Summer/2024/bC Breadboard Computer] [[BR]] Dilan Gandhi^HS^, Rithvik Madiraju^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P18.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P18.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S18.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S18.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/gEkuW9G1frg Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P19 ] Low Probability of Detection Signals [[BR]] Jack Callinan^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P19.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P19.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S19.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S19.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/KFWdOoAkZU4 Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P20 ] Signal Avoidance Using 5G [[BR]] Wesley Chen^HS^ || |||| [[Image(P20.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P20.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S20.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S20.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/4ckMvYvIZ0M Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P21 ] INDIGO User Interface: Intelligent 5G Networks Designed and Integrated for Globalized Operations [[BR]] Riju Dey^UG^, Anya Trumbach^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P21.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P21.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S21.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S21.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/gEkuW9G1frg Presentation Recording] ) || |||||||| [=#P22 ] 140 GHz & 28 GHz mmWave Measurements for Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC) [[BR]] Jose Daniel Rubens^UG^ || |||| [[Image(P22.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:P22.pdf PDF]) || [[Image(S22.jpg, width=400)]][[BR]]([raw-attachment:S22.pdf PDF] ) ([https://youtu.be/hle4m7bM91s Presentation Recording] ) ||