[wiki:Documentation] | [wiki:Documentation/NodeHandler NodeHandler] | [wiki:Documentation/NodeHandler/Commands Commands] | prop = prop: Setting Experiment Properties = Parameters of application or values of resources used in the experiment can be bound to experiment properties defined with [wiki:Documentation/NodeHandler/Commands/defProperty defProperty]. When changing an experiment property via the 'prop' command, the nodehandler will follow all the bindings and will automatically issue all the necessary commands to propagate the new value to all the bound applications and resources. == Syntax: prop.''propName'' = newValue == * '''setSelector''': The set of nodes to use * '''command''': Command to issue on the set. * '''resource_path:''' Path to resource. * '''value:''' Value to assign to resource. The supported syntax for the ''setSelector'' can be found in [wiki:Documentation/NodeHandler/Commands/defNodes defNodes] where it is simply called ''selector''. The list of commands currently defined can be found '''missing'''. A description of the resource paths can be found '''mssing'''. == Usage == {{{ nodes('sender1').startApplications nodes(['s1', 'r1']).net.wo.essid = "orbit" nodes('sender').net.wo { |w| w.essid = "orbit" w.ip = "%192.168.%x.%y" } }}} == See Also == [wiki:Documentation/NodeHandler/Commands/defProperty defProperty]