Sanbox is a ubuntu machine Steps on setting up this ubuntu Server are as follows[[BR]] 1. Attach a usb cd drive and start the cd install.[[BR]] 2. Create the root partition and a swap partition of 4 gigs (James can you please put the exact sizes you use).[[BR]] 3. Setup the Network Interfaces[[BR]] eth0 - Goes into the DMZ network, so please modify the /etc/network/interfaces file to for eth0 [[BR]] the ability to attain an ip address using dhcp.[[BR]] Please update the dhcpd.conf file with eth0 mac address for console.sbX[[BR]] eth1 - Is the ConsoleC address for sandbox.[[BR]] Please update /etc/network/interfaces to [[BR]] iface eth1 inet static [[BR]] address 10.1x.0.10 - (x) is the sandbox number [[BR]] netmask [[BR]] 4. Please Install libpam-ldap,libnss-ldap,autofs and autofs-ldap packages using apt.[[BR]] 5. Please modify /etc/ldap/ldap.conf to the following [[BR]] BASE dc=orbit-lab,dc=org [[BR]] URI ldap:// [[BR]] 6. You can copy /etc/ldap.conf from another sandbox or set the following attributes yourself[[BR]] host [[BR]] base dc=orbit-lab,dc=org [[BR]] ldap_version 3 [[BR]] rootbinddn cn=admin,dc=orbit-lab,dc=org [[BR]] timelimit 30 [[BR]] bind_timelimit 30 [[BR]] idle_timelimit 360 [[BR]] pam_check_host_attr yes [[BR]] pam_password crypt [[BR]] Copy the /etc/ldap.secret file from another sandbox or ask the administrator for the password. [[BR]] 7. For autofs we need to modify /etc/default/autofs file so that the autofs daemon knows what the master map is. [[BR]] LDAPURI="ldap://" [[BR]] LDAPBASE="ou=auto.master,dc=orbit-lab,dc=org" Ensure that you start autofs