= WiMAX and LTE Tutorials = [[TOC(noheading, Tutorials/g0WmLTE*, depth=2)]] Wide area network experimentation in ORBIT currently supports two types of wireless technologies: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WiMAX WiMAX] and [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LTE_(telecommunication) LTE]. Both technologies, in addition to devices deployed in various domains of the testbed, are also deployed on two Rutgers University campuses as part of [https://www.geni.net/ GENI] 4G deployment addressing the two key research issues: 1. providing campus-wide GENI wireless coverage for opt-in users; 1. offering programmable wireless networking capabilities While initial focus was on developing and deploying wide-area wireless experimentation services with WiMAX technology, subsequent efforts were concentrated on introducing LTE. At the core of both types of deployment are technology kits typically consisting of a commercial basestation and PC-based controller running custom software that manages the basestation and performs layer 2 and layer 3 processing of client packets. More details on the 4G deployments can be found at [http://wimax.orbit-lab.org GENI 4G pages]. The most recent addition to the LTE experimentation capabilities are fully software-based (SDR) open (and closed) source implementations. The menu on the right lists a number of tutorials covering basic operation of both WiMAX and LTE deployments. LTE Tutorials are split into client (UE), basestation (eNB), and core network (EPC) sections. * UEs * [wiki://Tutorials/g0WmLTE/Tutorial3 COTS UE on Orbit Node] * Mobile Phone (Under Construction) * SRS LTE Soft UE (Under construction) * OAI LTE Soft UE (Alpha, under construction) * eNBs * [wiki://Tutorials/g0WmLTE/Tutorial5 Amarisoft] * Airspan * OAI * [wiki://Tutorials/g0WmLTE/eNB/OAI/standalone eNB in ORBIT] * [wiki://Tutorials/g0WmLTE/Tutorial8 Split eNB, RRH over Ethernet] * [wiki://Tutorials/g0WmLTE/Tutorial9 Split setup using GENI] * EPCs * Amarisoft * By default, the above tutorials use the Amarisoft EPC at mme.orbit-lab.org * By changing the MME IP address, an alternate can be used if desired. * This has a configured SIM card database * OAI * We do not yet provide a long-running OAI EPC, but there is a tutorial available at this [https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g/wikis/HowToConnectCOTSUEwithOAIeNBNew link] * Known working configurations * Netgear UE, Amarisoft eNB, Amarisoft EPC * Netgear UE, Airspan eNB, Amarisoft EPC * Netgear UE, OAI eNB, Amarisoft EPC * [wiki://Tutorials/g0WmLTE/Tutorial8 Netgear UE, OAI RRH eNB Split, Amarisoft EPC]