== Quit Smoking == ---- '''By:''' Smruthi Srikumar, Davesh Mathur, and Ridhima Sakhuja ---- '''Introduction: ''' Our goal is to create an application that will help users quit smoking. The user will wear a Myo armband that will recognize gestures that simulate smoking and will notify the user with a fun fact that about health risks associated with smoking. The application will also notify those who are helping the user quit smoking. ---- '''Resources: ''' For this project we will use the Myo SDK and incorporate Lua with Android and iOS to make the application available to many smart phone users. ---- ''' Presentations: '''[[BR]] Week 1 - [https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B-RARBImd7WAeks4UC1Ja0V4Vmc/view?usp=sharing][[BR]] Week 2 - [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1LGjboDq3UMrlQypAfqWC3a8x--eR6ouG4PWxiNtZWLM/edit?usp=sharing][[BR]] Week 3 - [https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1tL5-ZxJyYDhvF0ikYMBU4u6fAL_BBZAUN9agQzTso1U/edit?usp=sharing][[BR]] Week 4 - [https://docs.google.com/a/scarletmail.rutgers.edu/presentation/d/1B1E6R1MvrSy4mJZtNIM2Jjm7SEwZopgKJJI9Po2kvz8/edit?usp=sharing][[BR]]